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Project Management for Professionals

  • Number of Courses20 courses
  • Duration41 hours
  • Skill IQ available Skill IQ

Courses in this path are aligned with the 7th Edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). In this series, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of project management, including navigating the people, process, and business environment domains and the various knowledge areas associated with effective project leadership. These courses may be used to prepare for project management certification exams, including those offered by PMI, and are a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in developing skills and expertise in project management.

Courses in this path


In the beginner section we will cover project management foundations including different project management methodologies, as well as the important skills of effective project leaders.


In the intermediate section we will cover communication and engagement with stakeholders and project teams. We will also talk about how to integrate business analysis skills with project management, how to manage team’s performance and resources, as well as how to plan out a project in traditional as well as Agile project environments.


In the advanced section we will talk about the quality and continuous improvement, how to manage risks, procurement, and project changes/ We will finish up with closing out the project and all the steps related to it.

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