Daniel Stern

Daniel Stern

Pluralsight Author
Daniel Stern is a coder, web developer and programming enthusiast from Toronto, Ontario, where he works as a freelance developer and designer. Daniel has been working with web technologies since the days of the dial-up, and is especially keen on JavaScript, CSS, Angular, React and TypeScript. Over the course of his work as an open-source developer, he's created many community-standards web tools including Angular Audio and Range.CSS. His tool, Range.CSS, was featured in a guest article on CSS-Tricks.com and in CSS Weekly. Daniel also shares his knowledge through speaking, such as in London, England at Full Stack Conf 2014 where he presented a talk on Web Audio and Angular best practices. Videos of Daniel speaking have been featured in such publications as JavaScript Weekly. Daniel lives in Toronto, Ontario and enjoys making electronic music and reading Game of Thrones during the rare times when he isn't writing code.
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