- Core Tech
Vue 3: The Big Picture
Vue.js is a tool used to build the user interface for websites and mobile applications. This course will teach you the main features and advantages of Vue to evaluate it as a business tool.
What you'll learn
All non-trivial web applications feature interactivity and often render a detailed array of complex information. Like Angular and React, Vue is used to build interactive and performant applications. But what is Vue, and for what kind of applications is it most useful? In this course, Vue 3: The Big Picture, you’ll learn to understand Vue and identify its strengths, applications, and key technical features. First, you’ll be introduced to Vue, learning how it can be used to build UI for web applications, which business applications it best applies to, and what business goals it can be used to accomplish. Next, you’ll learn about the benefits of Vue, including its fast development cycle, as well as the few drawbacks of the framework, such its limited exposure on the web so far compared to React, or Angular. Finally, you’ll look at Vue in context with some other tools, you’ll identify the key members of Vue’s direct ecosystem and understand their usage, and you'll compare it directly to the two tools which are most often used in the same context– React and Angular. When you’re finished, you’ll have an understanding of the basic features of Vue, the knowledge necessary to determine if Vue is a good fit for the assigned business task, and the ability to identify and begin learning about the subsequent Vue topics that suit your business needs.
Table of contents
About the author
Daniel Stern is a freelance web developer from Toronto, Ontario who specializes in Angular, ES6, TypeScript and React. His work has been featured in CSS Weekly, JavaScript Weekly and at Full Stack Conf in England.
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