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Reactive Programming with RxJS

Course Summary

The Reactive Programming with RxJS training course teaches students how RxJS is quickly becoming one of the most important libraries in the Javascript toolbox for both Node.JS and front-end JS developers.

The course begins by introducing reactive programming, explaining the observer pattern, subscribing to observable objects, and a deep dive into observables and subjects. Next, through a mixture of short lectures, ample exercises, and labs, students will discover what reactive programming is, why it is beneficial, and how to implement it into their daily practice. The course concludes with students learning about operators and how to combine them, as well as best practices and building reactive components with RxJS.

This course covers all of the essential features of RxJS, including Observables, Subjects, operators, and how to implement reactive programming in your applications.

Learn how to build a Javascript application using RxJS and reactive programming principles.
Developers and developer teams who need to learn Building Recommendation Engine Using Python.
Software Developer - Web Developer
Skill Level
2 Days
Related Technologies
JavaScript | Web Development


Productivity Objectives
  • Describe reactive programming and observables.
  • Identify operators and pipe several of them together to produce the right output.
  • Exercise subjects to emit data to several subscribers.

What You'll Learn:

In the Reactive Programming with RxJS training course, you'll learn:
  • Introduction to Reactive Programming
    • Why reactive programming?
    • The observer pattern
    • Subscribing to observable objects
  • Observables
    • Syntax options for subscribing to observables
    • How to create your own observables?
    • Using fromEvent() and of()
    • Hot and cold observables
    • Differences between observables and promises
  • Subjects
    • What are Subjects?
    • Different types of subjects: ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject and AsyncSubject
  • Operators
    • What are operators and how to use them?
    • Examples of basic operators: map, filter, tap, max, and merge.
    • Advanced operators: switchMap, takeUntil, startsWith
    • How to learn about more operators and combine them
  • Best Practices
    • Managing your subscriptions to avoid memory leaks
    • How to handle errors with RxJS
    • Debugging techniques for complex stream transformations
  • Building Reactive Components with RxJS
    • Create a list of data that gets filtered based on user inputs
    • Create an autocomplete component that filters data based on user input
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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