You need more than a data tool, you need a transformation partner

Engineering transformation webinar

Watch the Transformation series.

A five episode mini-series with engineering leaders discussing pragmatic, battle-tested methods to build a healthy, data-driven engineering org

Why transform

Modern engineering leaders are transforming their teams to increase visibility, efficiency, and predictability.

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End-to-end visibility across your development teams and workflow so you can assess team health, spot bottlenecks, identify roadblocks.

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Efficient development includes priority alignment and workflow diagnostics so your engineering team knows they're working on the right things uninhibited by engineering drag.

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Build predictability into your workflow so you can confidently forecast delivery dates and advocate for resource needs within your team.

Industry standards + actionable insights

Successful transformations start with objective data.

Pluralsight Flow’s industry-leading software engineering intelligence platform integrates with source code and project management tools, delivers drill-down insight, and is informed by Flow’s research into what makes developers thrive.

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Flow is the Software Engineering Intelligence Platform

Team health and productivity isn’t one-dimensional. That’s why Pluralsight Flow has created a holistic way to look at your teams health, efficiency, and predictability with objective data.

Flow is your engineering transformation partner

Successful transformations combine objective data with a proven, research-backed approach.

Rich workstream performance data is critical, but engineering leaders know that data isn’t enough. They need more than a data tool. They need a transformation partner.

Flow is the Software Engineering Intelligence Platform

Implement with confidence with access to our deployment, onboarding, and transformation experts to help guide your implementation of data-driven engineering and transformation.

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Developer Success Lab

Deep experience backed by our Developer Success Lab research

Our product and approach have been honed by working with thousands of engineering teams across industry, geography, size, and stage. We also built the Developer Success Lab to advance the science and art of engineering leadership.

Workforce development to upskill and reskill your people

Pluralsight Skills is the acknowledged industry leader in helping engineering organizations increase their human capital. With Flow and Skills, you can both identify opportunities and fill skill gaps.

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Let’s start talking about how Pluralsight Flow can help you

Whether you’re trying to accelerate delivery, improve your team’s collaboration and mentoring, or better see how leadership decisions impact your team’s processes, Flow is here to help. Our Flow experts can meet your individual needs and help you tailor Flow to your strategy.

Let's chat!

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Flow & DORA

Frequently asked questions

What are DORA metrics?

For seven years Google’s DevOps Research and Assessment team has published ongoing research to identify what levers leaders can pull to help their DevOps and engineering teams to produce more reliable software quicker. These annual reports have resulted in four metrics, referred to as DORA Metrics:

Lead time for changes

Deployment frequency

Time to restore service

Change failure rate

How to improve lead time for changes?

Consider incorporating a tighter testing cycle or automated testing. Pair lead time for changes with other collaboration metrics within Flow to identify if there are any review-based bottlenecks.

How to improve deployment frequency?

Consider building a stronger deployment pipeline or investing in testing automation to reduce deployment friction.

If you already have testing automation in place, ensure that your team is focusing on smaller, more frequent deployments to more easily review, deploy,  changes while also minimizing the blast radius of post-deployment failures.

How to improve mean time to recovery?

Ensure your team is taking full advantage of rollback procedures to avoid the dreaded night and weekend pages to fix an emergency outage.

Integrate feature flags and implement the ability to toggle the feature on for different groups of users at a time. This will help your team minimize the number of incidents and the time to resolve.

How to improve change failure rate?

Consider integrating build verification tests, or other automated tests to help your team quickly and efficiently identify issues.

Review the PR review metrics within Flow to ensure the right team members are reviewing code before it is deployed.