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Introduction to AJAX

Course Summary

The Introduction to AJAX is designed to demonstrate how to construct web pages that use AJAX to create interactivity with data on a server.

The course begins by exploring Object-Oriented (OO) JavaScript Fundamentals and Closures. It then moves on to cover interacting with the XHR Object (XMLHttpRequest Object). The course concludes with discussions on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) basics.

Learn how to build web pages that use AJAX to create interactivity with data on a server.
Web Developers and Manager who have some experience with HTML and JavaScript.
Software Developer - Web Developer
Skill Level
Hack-a-thon - Learning Spikes - Workshops
3 Days
Related Technologies
JavaScript | Web Development | Ajax


Productivity Objectives
  • Apply OO JavaScript fundamentals to make functioning scripts and basic web applications
  • Describe how closures work and how they affect variable scoping
  • Work with the XHR object and its related methods
  • Analyze JSON data and distinguish between valid and invalid JSON

What You'll Learn:

In the Introduction to AJAX training course, you'll learn:
  • Object-Oriented JavaScript Fundamentals
  • Closures
  • Rich Internet Application (RIA) Orientation
  • XHR Object (XMLHttpRequest Object) interactions
  • Internet Browser distinctions
  • Returning specific data from the server
  • HTML as a transport usage
  • XML basics
  • Understanding JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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