Embracing and Managing Change
11 courses
11 hours
The ability to embrace and manage change in a corporate environment or in private life allows you to adapt better and be more flexible with the constant change we all experience. This path is designed to help with the challenges of change. In this path, we are going to explain the psychology of change, help you develop change readiness skills, create a change strategy, and help you successfully lead your team through change.
Courses in this path
In this beginner section, we will explain the general impact of change and the benefits of change for teams and individuals. We will also explain ways to embrace and stay agile when going through change.
In this intermediate section, we will learn the value of continual upskilling and personal development that supports successful change leadership. We will explain the importance of having a growth mindset when leading change and other key leadership behaviors and skills necessary for leading change. We will also share ideas to help leaders manage multiple generations in the workplace and teach the value of leading change through a balanced head, heart and hands approach.
In this advanced section, we will talk about strategic steps needed to create a successful people-focused change strategy. This three-phased approach covers the creation of the business purpose or vision clear through to the plan communication and execution. We will then explain how best to foster a change-ready culture to ensure your teams are prepared for the continual change our work environments experience.