User Group

Pluralsight London User Group

Pluralsight London User Group

Calendar icon Mar 21, 2024
Clock icon 2:00 PM GMT-6:00 PM GMT
Globe icon EMEA

Secure your seat at the Pluralsight User Group

Join us at County Hall, London for a truly interactive session with a select group of like-minded tech and  learning and development leaders. You’ll have a chance to talk about Gen AI, programme challenges, and team successes with peers from the Pluralsight community. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn, network, and be inspired! 

Here’s some of what you can expect:

The hot topic: Gen AI

We’ll cut through the hype and share with you what you need to know about Gen AI and how Pluralsight can help you with your learning initiatives.  

Content & solution updates 

Find out what else is new and expected from Pluralsight this year—both in terms of content and functionality, and how that impacts you and your learners. 

Successes & challenges 

Hear from other tech and L&D managers what’s working for them, and find solutions to common challenges in our roundtable discussions. 


We’ll close with a short drinks reception to give you ample time to continue conversations with new connections and the Pluralsight team.



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