
Zero-downtime deployments in Kubernetes

Event details

Calendar icon Jul 29, 2021
Clock icon 1:00 PM EDT-2:00 PM EDT
Globe icon All Regions

What you'll learn

Kubernetes offers several different ways to deploy your code into a cluster. Join expert Dan Wahlin to learn  how you can take advantage of zero-downtime deployments to update code running in your Pod’s containers using rolling updates.

You’ll walk away knowing:

  • Different deployment techniques available in Kubernetes

  • The role of Deployments and ReplicaSets

  • What a “zero-downtime” deployment is and how it works

  • The role of rolling updates

  • And much more!


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The Host

Dan Wahlin

Dan Wahlin founded Wahlin Consulting, which provides consulting and training services on JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Docker, and Kubernetes. He is a Google GDE (and former Microsoft MVP and Regional Director), Docker Captain, and speaks at conferences and user groups around the world. Dan is active on Twitter (@DanWahlin), blogs at https://blog.codewithdan.com, and adds a lot of code to his Github repos at https://github.com/danwahlin.