
Building a culture of collaboration as a new technology team

Event details

Calendar icon Apr 29, 2021
Clock icon 1:00 PM EDT-2:00 PM EDT
Globe icon Americas

What you'll learn

Collaborating as technology teams is difficult—it becomes even more complex to navigate when you are on a newly formed team, a newly promoted manager of a team or if your team is adjusting to a new environment (such as being hybrid or fully remote).

Fortunately, these situations can create an opportunity to start building good collaboration and communication habits from the start.

Join Pluralsight author Alice Meredith to learn how to become a highly collaborative team with tips for both leaders and team members. She'll draw on more than three decades of leadership experience to share tools, principles and best practices for collaboration, and show you how to:

  • Build a sustainable, resilient culture of collaboration

  • Navigate common roadblocks and bad habits associated with collaboration

  • Resolve communication breakdowns, silos and conflict when they creep up

  • And more!

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The Host

Alice Meredith

Alice is a culture strategist and has a deep-rooted passion for cultivating cultures of change and belonging. Alice has 30 years of senior leadership experience in Corporate America and recognized credentials as a Certified Sr. HR Professional (SPHR) and Change Management Professional (CCMP), Alice brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each course as she seamlessly integrates cultural strategy into evolving work environments. Known for her innovative approach, Alice has pioneered multiple groundbreaking leadership techniques that amplify the effectiveness of leaders. These cutting-edge methodologies are at the core of her 20+ popular leadership courses, where she shares practical insights and strategies that resonate with aspiring and seasoned leaders alike. With a specialization in change management and human resources, Alice brings her comprehensive understanding of these domains to the forefront in all her teachings. As an HR Senior Professional, she utilizes her skills and knowledge with a singular purpose: to eradicate all forms of discrimination in the workplace and foster inclusive environments where everyone thrives. Alice is the author of 'Change Ready Cultures', on LinkedIn.