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C# Scripting in Unity: The Observer Pattern

In this course, you'll learn to use the Observer Pattern when building games in Unity.

Marc Gilbert - Pluralsight course - C# Scripting in Unity: The Observer Pattern
by Marc Gilbert

What you'll learn

Whether you’re making an RPG, or simple endless runner, what do you do when something happens in your game and multiple systems need to respond? Your AI needs to react, your UI needs to be updated; the scenarios are endless.

In this course, C# Scripting in Unity: The Observer Pattern, you’ll learn a tried and true design pattern for handling these scenarios, or any situation in which a single event occurs and multiple objects or systems need to respond.

First, you’ll review the ways objects communicate directly with each other in C# and Unity. Next, you’ll be introduced to Observer pattern. You’ll learn why it exists and when to use it. Finally, you will get hands-on experience implementing the pattern in a clean and concise way that you can use in any or all of your games.

When you’ve finished this course, you’ll have the skills and understanding required to implement this elegant solution to handling events in your games.

Table of contents

About the author

Marc Gilbert - Pluralsight course - C# Scripting in Unity: The Observer Pattern
Marc Gilbert

Marc is an accomplished technologist with extensive experience bringing the best of web, mobile, and traditional architectures to some of the largest firms in the world. Marc brings a unique combination of professionalism and passion to every venture and there are few things he's more passionate about than game development.

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