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Building Scalable React Apps

In this course, you will learn how to scale your React application using the ready-made React-Boilerplate stack.

Hendrik Swanepoel - Pluralsight course - Building Scalable React Apps
by Hendrik Swanepoel

What you'll learn

In this course, Building Scalable React Apps, you will remove the guesswork with the React-Boilerplate stack so that you can keep on delivering features, without needing to evolve your stack with every new addition. First, you'll learn how to use redux-saga to elegantly attach side effects to your app. Next, you'll focus on learning how to use reselect to compute values on top of your redux store. Finally, you'll learn how to design your components to keep them as simple, portable, and testable as possible. After watching this course, you'll be able to tackle large React applications alone, or with a team.

Table of contents

About the author

Hendrik Swanepoel - Pluralsight course - Building Scalable React Apps
Hendrik Swanepoel

In his day job Hendrik is a full stack coder from Cape Town. For a large part of his career he worked with .NET, but the last few years he spent most of his time with JavaScript.

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