Hendrik Swanepoel

Hendrik Swanepoel

Pluralsight Author
Hendrik kicked off his career in 2000 installing MS Outlook on PCs in coal mines throughout South Africa. Seriously. He had to wear a hard hat and everything. Luckily he got his foot into the door at a company that allowed him to play around with code. At a desk. Without a hard hat. In his day job Hendrik is a full stack coder from Cape Town, but at night he is a closet designer - meaning, a graphic designer too scared to share it with everyone, not someone that designs closets. For a large part of his career he worked with .NET, but the last few years he spent most of his time with JavaScript on both the server and client. Hendrik believes that learning should be fast paced, and without fluff. He hopes this is evident in his courses.
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Software Development