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IOTA Fundamentals

Iota Fundaments is a practical introduction to IOTA and the Tangle. In this course, you will learn all the basics of IOTA as well as how to make use of the IOTA APIs to create your own applications.

Jan-Erik Sandberg - Pluralsight course - IOTA Fundamentals
by Jan-Erik Sandberg

What you'll learn

At the core of IOTA development with the Tangle is a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of IOTA. In this course, IOTA Fundamentals, you will learn how to make your first application with IOTA and the Tangle. First, you will learn the basics of IOTA, including how it differs from Blockchain. Next, you will explore the more advanced parts of IOTA in detail and write your first “Hello World” program. Finally, you will discover how to make real applications that receive micro IOTA payments with your simple but practical example. When you are finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of IOTA and its inner workings that will help you as you move forward to becoming an effective IOTA developer.

Table of contents

About the author

Jan-Erik Sandberg - Pluralsight course - IOTA Fundamentals
Jan-Erik Sandberg

Jan-Erik Sandberg is an international author and a requested speaker. He has coached agile teams since 2001 and is a veteran coder. He is currently working at Q-Free. Q-Free is a leading IOT company supporting Smart City development in more than 40 countries.

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