Benjamin Roussey

Benjamin Roussey is from Sacramento, CA. He has two master degrees and served time in the U.S. Navy. His second master's degree is an MBA in Global Management from the Univ. of Phoenix where he attributes his writing prowess-2006. His bachelor's degree is from Ca. St. Univ. of Sacramento-1999 where he was on a baseball pitching scholarship. Now he writes professionally for several clients and a few online companies, one of them in which is publically traded. He spent 4 years in the U.S. Navy, worked in the corporate world, and for public agencies. He teaches English online to Korean elementary school students in the Spring and Summer and has lived in Korea and Saudi Arabia while he was an English Instructor. He misses Saudi food and living in Korea. Benjamin has a tremendous work ethic and is quite focused. He spends his time in between Northern, CA. and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico writing on various subjects, one of which is the spectacular rise in SEO needed content.

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