Harrison Ferrone
Harrison Ferrone is a freelance software developer, instructor, and technical editor. He has been developing games and applications with Unity since 2013, and has been creating instructional content for various learning providers since 2016. Throughout that time he has bought far too many books, acquired a few cats, lived and worked abroad, and continually wondered why Neuromancer isn't on more game development course syllabi.
Courses Authored
Topics Authored
Software Development
Creative Professional
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Courses by Harrison
CourseiOS Networking with REST APIsIntermediate1h 30mAug 07, 2020
CourseC# Design Patterns: VisitorAdvanced27mApr 28, 2020
CourseC# Design Patterns: FlyweightIntermediate35mApr 28, 2020
CourseC# Design Patterns: BuilderIntermediate28mMar 05, 2020
CourseC# Design Patterns: PrototypeIntermediate23mMar 05, 2020
CourseBuilding Games with Unity Services: In-app Purchases and Cloud BuildRETIREDIntermediate1h 27mDec 21, 2022
CourseUnity VR Locomotion FundamentalsRETIREDIntermediate1h 4mDec 17, 2022
CourseBuilding Games with Unity Services: Monetization & AnalyticsRETIREDIntermediate1h 21mDec 07, 2022