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Windows Kernel Debugging Fundamentals

Windows developers and IT admins learn valuable skills on debugging the Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Learn how to use the Windows Debugger (WinDbg), along with knowledge of the internal workings of the Windows operating system as you analyze crashes and hangs.

Bruce Mackenzie-Low - Pluralsight course - Windows Kernel Debugging Fundamentals
by Bruce Mackenzie-Low

What you'll learn

Windows kernel debugging is one of the most hardcore skills a system administrator can possess. It provides the ability to peer into the workings of the operating system and determine why a server may have crashed or locked up. This course covers the fundamentals essential for understanding the internal workings of the Windows operating system and how to install and use the Windows Debugger. Strategies are provided for examining crashes that give learners immediate confidence with analyzing crashes and hangs. You will learn about Windows processes and threads, stack traces, processors, synchronization mechanisms, address space layout, drivers and interrupts and much more. You will leave this course with the troubleshooting skills that you can leverage for many years to come.

Table of contents

About the author

Bruce Mackenzie-Low - Pluralsight course - Windows Kernel Debugging Fundamentals
Bruce Mackenzie-Low

With over 25 years of computing experience at Digital, Compaq and HP, Bruce is a well-known resource for resolving highly complex problems involving clusters, SAN’s, networking and internals.

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