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Spring Framework: Authenticating Users with Spring Security 5

A course covering the fundamentals of using Spring Security for securing Java applications built with Spring MVC.

Bryan Hansen - Pluralsight course - Spring Framework: Authenticating Users with Spring Security 5
by Bryan Hansen

What you'll learn

This course covers all of the fundamentals of Spring Security. It covers securing your app, user storage in memory and in a database, authentication against ldap and authorization against a database, updated hashing algorithms for password storage, customizing the UI, method level security as well as method level permissions, and new techniques for accessing the current logged in user.

Table of contents

About the author

Bryan Hansen - Pluralsight course - Spring Framework: Authenticating Users with Spring Security 5
Bryan Hansen

Bryan is a Director at Software Technology Group, a consulting company based out of Salt Lake City, and has authored and taught numerous courses in Java.

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