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Application Building Patterns with AngularJS

In this production we build an application with AngularJS: rebuilding Congo (our MongoDB explorer that we built with BackboneJS for our Backbone series) - but this time we use AngularJS. The goal of this production is to move quickly beyond "fun demos" and into the weeds, encountering issues/solutions that you will have to face when working with Angular on a daily basis.

Rob Conery - Pluralsight course - Application Building Patterns with AngularJS
by Rob Conery

What you'll learn

Our focus is building an application. This means we're going to be less conceptual (as you might find with typical training approaches) and more pragmatic: what we need to know and do to get the job done. The code for this course is located at https://github.com/tekpub/congo.

Table of contents

About the author

Rob Conery - Pluralsight course - Application Building Patterns with AngularJS
Rob Conery

Rob Conery co-founded Tekpub and created This Developer's Life. He is an author, speaker, and sometimes a little bit opinionated.

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