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Nginx and PHP Fundamentals

Nginx and PHP are two of the biggest platforms on the Web. Get up and running with these lightweight, easy to learn technologies that provide high-performance solutions with low operating costs.

Elton Stoneman - Pluralsight course - Nginx and PHP Fundamentals
by Elton Stoneman

What you'll learn

PHP powers more dynamic Web content that any other platform, and Nginx is the fastest growing HTTP server on the Internet. In this course, you'll start from the ground up learning how to host static HTML and dynamic PHP sites in Nginx, and how to build websites in PHP that interact with the user, and integrate with cloud services like Windows Azure and Amazon AWS. The course takes a hands-on approach, migrating an ASP.NET MVC website to PHP, and you'll see performance and cost comparisons for the two stacks.

Table of contents

About the author

Elton Stoneman - Pluralsight course - Nginx and PHP Fundamentals
Elton Stoneman

Elton is an independent consultant specializing in systems integration with the Microsoft stack. He is a Microsoft MVP, blogger, and practicing Technical Architect.

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