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LINQ Data Access

This course covers how to query objects, XML, databases, and web services using LINQ

Scott Allen - Pluralsight course - LINQ Data Access
by Scott Allen

What you'll learn

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) introduces fundamental changes to the techniques .NET developers will use to access data. LINQ brings general-purpose query facilities to the .NET framework and allows a developer to query data inside of in-memory objects, data inside of relational databases, and data inside of XML using a uniform API and syntax.

Table of contents

About the author

Scott Allen - Pluralsight course - LINQ Data Access
Scott Allen

Scott has over 15 years of experience in commercial software development and is a frequent speaker at national conferences, and local user groups. Scott is a Microsoft MVP and has authored books on several Microsoft technologies, including ASP.NET, C#, and Windows Workflow.

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