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C# Language Internals - Part 1

C# Language Internals is designed to give you a deeper understanding of the C# programming language and the CLR.

Bart De Smet - Pluralsight course - C# Language Internals - Part 1
by Bart De Smet

What you'll learn

This course takes .NET developers behind the scenes of C# language features to gain a deeper understanding of the language, the Intermediate Language (IL) it compiles into, and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) it runs on. By studying language internals, you can make well-informed design choices, solve hard debugging puzzles quicker, and understand the performance ramifications of using various language features. This is the first part of a two-part course.

Table of contents

About the author

Bart De Smet - Pluralsight course - C# Language Internals - Part 1
Bart De Smet

Bart is a software engineer building massive scale data processing systems at Microsoft. His areas of expertise include programming languages, runtimes, reactive programming, and databases. Prior to joining Microsoft, Bart was an MVP for C#. Bart is a popular speaker at various conferences and the author of a few C# books.

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