Wes Higbee
Pluralsight Author
Wes Higbee is passionate about helping companies achieve remarkable results with technology and software. He’s had extensive experience developing software and working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives. Wes launched Full City Tech to leverage his expertise to help companies delight customers.
Although his primary focus is on outcomes, implementation often includes technical competency. Wes frequently speaks about impactful aspects of software development including effective automated testing, database delivery automation, distributed version control, refactoring, aesthetics of code, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. He speaks professionally to help organizations improve and volunteers at user groups, code camps, and community organizations.
He’s a Pluralsight author. He writes extensively about both technical and non-technical aspects of software development. His written work includes articles featured on VeraSage, MSDN Magazine, InfoQ, and JetBrain’s TeamCity Blog. He’s been interviewed on The Businessology Show and Art of Value about how important value is in software development. And, he occasionally gets highly technical in a shared screencast or webinar.
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Technology Leader
Software Development
Data Professional
IT Ops
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Courses by Wes
CourseCore TechDevOps Containerization and Orchestration: Deploying ContainersCore TechIntermediate29m 34sJan 23, 2025CourseCore TechEnabling Secure Software Development in GitHubCore TechIntermediate2h 4m 18sJan 13, 2025LabsCore TechManage Docker on Linux ServersCore TechBeginner2h 5mAug 30, 2024(85)CourseDataSummarize Data in Microsoft ExcelDataIntermediate19m 42sAug 20, 2024LabsCore TechDeploying ContainersCore TechBeginner1h 15mAug 06, 2024(39)CourseCore TechAuthoring and Maintaining GitHub Actions WorkflowsCore TechBeginner2h 3m 16sJul 08, 2024(15)CourseCore TechRunning Jenkins in KubernetesCore TechIntermediate1h 32m 5sMay 09, 2024CourseCore TechManaging Docker on Linux ServersCore TechIntermediate1h 36m 4sMar 19, 2024LabsCore TechImplement and Manage NGINXCore TechBeginner2h 10mJan 24, 2024CourseCore TechGetting Started with NGINXCore TechBeginner2h 4m 13sDec 07, 2023(26)CourseCore TechGetting Started with Docker on WindowsCore TechBeginner2h 1m 2sOct 30, 2023(22)CourseCore TechContainers and Images: The Big PictureCore TechBeginner2h 36m 10sSep 20, 2023(20)CourseCore TechGetting Started with JenkinsCore TechBeginner2h 25m 38sAug 11, 2023(53)CourseCore TechGetting Started with AnsibleCore TechIntermediate2h 56m 17sApr 26, 2023(68)CourseCore TechGetting Started with VagrantCore TechBeginner3h 3m 46sNov 30, 2022(15)CourseCore TechIntroduction to the HashiCorp Consul Associate CertificationCore TechBeginner46m 54sAug 09, 2022CourseCore TechGetting Started with HashiCorp ConsulCore TechIntermediate3h 54m 3sMay 10, 2022(18)CourseCore TechGetting Started with Docker SwarmCore TechIntermediate4h 12m 23sOct 25, 2021(28)CourseCore TechWebpack: Transpiling and Bundling JavaScriptCore TechIntermediate4h 55m 47sMay 08, 2018(115)
CourseCore TechDevOps Containerization and Orchestration: Deploying ContainersCore TechIntermediate29m 34sJan 23, 2025CourseCore TechEnabling Secure Software Development in GitHubCore TechIntermediate2h 4m 18sJan 13, 2025CourseDataSummarize Data in Microsoft ExcelDataIntermediate19m 42sAug 20, 2024CourseCore TechAuthoring and Maintaining GitHub Actions WorkflowsCore TechBeginner2h 3m 16sJul 08, 2024(15)CourseCore TechRunning Jenkins in KubernetesCore TechIntermediate1h 32m 5sMay 09, 2024CourseCore TechManaging Docker on Linux ServersCore TechIntermediate1h 36m 4sMar 19, 2024CourseCore TechGetting Started with NGINXCore TechBeginner2h 4m 13sDec 07, 2023(26)CourseCore TechGetting Started with Docker on WindowsCore TechBeginner2h 1m 2sOct 30, 2023(22)CourseCore TechContainers and Images: The Big PictureCore TechBeginner2h 36m 10sSep 20, 2023(20)CourseCore TechGetting Started with JenkinsCore TechBeginner2h 25m 38sAug 11, 2023(53)CourseCore TechGetting Started with AnsibleCore TechIntermediate2h 56m 17sApr 26, 2023(68)CourseCore TechGetting Started with VagrantCore TechBeginner3h 3m 46sNov 30, 2022(15)CourseCore TechIntroduction to the HashiCorp Consul Associate CertificationCore TechBeginner46m 54sAug 09, 2022CourseCore TechGetting Started with HashiCorp ConsulCore TechIntermediate3h 54m 3sMay 10, 2022(18)CourseCore TechGetting Started with Docker SwarmCore TechIntermediate4h 12m 23sOct 25, 2021(28)CourseCore TechWebpack: Transpiling and Bundling JavaScriptCore TechIntermediate4h 55m 47sMay 08, 2018(115)
LabsCore TechManage Docker on Linux ServersCore TechBeginner2h 5mAug 30, 2024(85)LabsCore TechDeploying ContainersCore TechBeginner1h 15mAug 06, 2024(39)LabsCore TechImplement and Manage NGINXCore TechBeginner2h 10mJan 24, 2024
CourseCore TechDocker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core 2RETIREDCore TechIntermediate4h 50sDec 04, 2024(173)CourseCore TechReasoning About Asynchronous JavaScriptRETIREDCore TechIntermediate2h 5m 42sDec 04, 2024(184)CourseCore TechModern Asynchronous JavaScriptRETIREDCore TechAdvanced6h 35m 26sDec 03, 2024(110)CourseCore TechBuilding Cross-platform Applications with .NET CoreRETIREDCore TechBeginner7h 49m 50sNov 27, 2024(87)CourseCore TechASP.NET Core with the New MSBuild Based ToolingRETIREDCore TechBeginner4h 21m 19sNov 26, 2024(61)CourseCore TechWhat Is DevOps: Executive BriefingRETIREDCore TechBeginner22m 39sMay 10, 2024(150)CourseCore TechImplementing a Self-hosted Docker RegistryRETIREDCore TechIntermediate4h 8m 10sMay 09, 2024(42)CourseDataMySQL Continuous Database Delivery with FlywayRETIREDDataIntermediate5h 19m 45sJul 31, 2021(40)CourseCore TechUsing the MongoDB C# v2 DriverRETIREDCore TechIntermediate3h 7m 27sJul 31, 2021(52)CourseCore TechSeamless JavaScript Testing with Wallaby.jsRETIREDCore TechIntermediate3h 48m 52sJul 31, 2021(43)CourseCore TechModern, Modular JavaScript with SystemJS and jspmRETIREDCore TechIntermediate7h 25m 2sJul 31, 2021(140)CourseCore TechUsing MongoDB with ASP.NET MVCRETIREDCore TechIntermediate3h 12m 21sJul 31, 2021(538)CourseDataSQL Server Continuous Database Delivery with FlywayRETIREDDataIntermediate6h 25m 40sJul 31, 2021(63)CourseCore TechBuilding a Deployment Pipeline for ASP.NET Core with DockerRETIREDCore TechIntermediate4h 17m 41sJun 30, 2021(65)CourseCore TechConfident Coding: A Journey to Automated Testing in ASP.NET MVCRETIREDCore TechBeginner2h 59m 13sAug 14, 2020(201)CourseCore TechGetting Started with .NET Core for Windows DevelopersRETIREDCore TechBeginner3h 15m 56sFeb 04, 2020(139)