Top-tier training
Tackle tech trends with the best in the industry
Learn from real experts. Our author list is highly curated with 91% of them backed by at least 10 years experience in their field. Cast a wide learning net or develop a highly specialized learning path, reassured that you’re getting top notch, up-to-speed insights.
AI + Data
Work smarter (not harder) with artificial intelligence and keep up with Claude AI and more in this rapidly growing tech field.
Software dev
Build fluency in languages like C#, Java, Angular, and JavaScript and keep evolving as they do to develop efficiently.
Cloud + IT Ops
From AWS to Google Cloud and everything in between, expand your cloud clout for down-to-earth professional returns.
Stop cyber attacks in their tracks and secure critical skills to position yourself as the expert at keeping data under lock and key.

Learn by doing
Build confidence with hands-on practice
Experiment with new skills in 3,000+ interactive labs and AI or cloud sandboxes to quickly get the hang of them in real-world environments and take your career (and salary!) to the next level.
Speed up your personal learning journey, no matter where you are
Identify current skill levels and growth opportunities with Skill IQ assessments to customize your experience and upskill quickly. Plus receive instant guidance with Pluralsight’s AI assistant, Iris, to drive engagement and improve skill development outcomes ASAP.

Develop tech teams
Accelerate business initiatives
Join the Fortune 500 companies and more than 23,000 businesses that rely on Pluralsight to:
- Identify knowledge gaps and align tech learning to organizational initiatives
- Build skills to transform and retain in-house tech talent
- Validate skills with assessments, certification practice exams, and hands-on practice labs