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Understanding Metaprogramming

by Kathleen Dollard

Metaprogramming means a better application, faster. This course covers the fundamentals that you can use in any language and on any platform.

What you'll learn

Are you ready to embrace metaprogramming to make a better application in less time? Learn about templates, metadata, process, handcrafting, and producing high quality output. Then apply these principles to any language on any platform. If you're interested in .NET, you're also interested in how the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn), makes metaprogramming easier by exposing syntactic and semantic trees.

Table of contents

About the author

Kathleen Dollard is a .NET Team Coach. She has been a Microsoft MVP since 1998 and is an ASP.NET Insider. Kathleen is an INETA Speaker and has given over a hundred speeches around the world. Fluent in both C# and Visual Basic, she’s interested in making core .NET technologies, the best open source tools, and reasonable processes available to all coders so they can to write better software faster. She has worked extensively with compositional architectures including MEF, WebAPI, ROC, and NetKerne... more

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