- Core Tech
Spaceship Concept Design Pipeline in Photoshop
Learn how to design a unique spaceship from client specifications, going from initial thumbnails to final render. Software required: Photoshop CS5, modo 601, Apophysis 7, Alchemy.
What you'll learn
Learn how to design a unique spaceship from client specifications, going from initial thumbnails to final render.In this tutorial we are going to learn how to design an interesting and original spaceship: a solar barque. We're going to start with gathering and analyzing reference material, following our project specs, which typically would be provided by a client or an art director. Next, we are going to work on the ship itself. We're going to start with thumbnails and then use a number of techniques like detailed sketching, 3D modeling, overpainting, and creating interesting textures until we finalize the design. Along the way, we're going to use several applications like Photoshop, MODO, Alchemy and the fractal generator, Apophysis. Once the design is complete, we are going to use it for a 'beauty shot' - a concept illustration that will serve as our final presentation. By the end of this tutorial, you will be familiar with many techniques and tricks used in the concept design pipeline and will be able to use them in your own projects. Software required: Photoshop CS5, modo 601, Apophysis 7, Alchemy.