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Sculpting Character Props in ZBrush

In this tutorial, you'll will learn different techniques to model hard-surface and organic props, all within ZBrush. Software required: ZBrush 4R4, Photoshop CS6.

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, you'll will learn different techniques to model hard-surface and organic props, all within ZBrush. Throughout these lessons, we will cover different ways to create clean basemesh in ZBrush, most of them using shadow box and primitives shapes. We will also go through techniques to detail different types of surfaces and materials using alphas and layers and how to sculpt damage on different materials. We will also go over some tips to create good renders with the ZBrush BPR, as well as how to set up lights and materials. At the end, we will do an overview of how to manage the different render passes in Photoshop, and how to make a good final presentation of sculpts using random pictures and effects. Software required: ZBrush 4R4, Photoshop CS6.

Table of contents