Lighting and Shading in V-Ray for Maya
In this tutorial, we will learn about simple lighting and shading techniques using V-Ray For Maya. Software required: Maya 2012, V-Ray 2.2, Photoshop CS6 .
What you'll learn
In this tutorial, we will learn about simple lighting and shading techniques using V-Ray For Maya. Throughout the tutorial, we look on how to light a scene using simple techniques, just by adding those lights in key areas that will add more depth and also help tell a story. We will start by setting up the scene and looking at the different ways we can subdivide the meshes to save a lot of render time and at the same time keep our meshes clean. Along the way, we will look at different techniques to create realistic shaders using simple materials and also some shader networks. As a result, we will be able to create some complex shaders for our robots. By the end of this training, you will have a knowledge on how to light and shade a scene using V-Ray for Maya. Software required: Maya 2012, V-Ray 2.2, Photoshop CS6 .
Table of contents
- Preparing the Scene 11m
- Creating V-Ray Displacement Nodes 11m
- Shading the Peacekeeper 19m
- Shading the Fighting Robots 16m
- Creating Shaders for Floor and Rubber Elements 12m
- Shading the Eyes and Gadgets 19m
- Creating a Shader for the Energy Status 13m
- Tweaking the Dome Light 7m
- Adding Lights to the Scene 11m
- Setting up the Render Settings 12m
- Set up the V-Ray Physical Camera 9m
- Setting up the Render Elements 8m
- Compositing the Final Image 11m
- Looking at Different Lighting Setup 7m