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Construct 2 Fundamentals

Plan your game, design your game, build your game, and publish your game. Construct 2 Fundamentals will make you a cross platform game developer in no time.

Jeremy Foster - Pluralsight course - Construct 2 Fundamentals
by Jeremy Foster

What you'll learn

Gain full cycle game development experience with this course on planning, designing, building, and publishing 2D games using some basic (and free) tools. We'll take a look at the considerations you should make before you get started, we'll build the visual assets you'll need, and then we'll use Construct 2 by Scirra to actually build and publish your game. Construct 2 is a brilliant game engine that somehow manages to thrill both professional and entry levels developers alike. In the end, you'll have everything you need to get your game idea realized and submitted to app stores.

Table of contents

About the author

Jeremy Foster - Pluralsight course - Construct 2 Fundamentals
Jeremy Foster

Developer Evangelist at Microsoft. Coder. Author. Hiker. Sailor. Dad. Husband. Not in that order.

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