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Designing Pressure Network Models in Civil 3D

This course will introduce you to how pressure networks work in Civil 3D, and show you how to project your pressure network from plan view into a profile. You'll also learn how to manage and edit your pressure network in profile views. Software required: Civil 3D.

Steve Walz - Pluralsight course - Designing Pressure Network Models in Civil 3D
by Steve Walz

What you'll learn

Do you work on Utility or Process related designs? Have you ever wanted to develop a fully functioning 3D model that includes all utilities? This course, Designing Pressure Network Models in Civil 3D, will teach you all the ins and outs of how to generate an accurate 3D model of your utilities from start to finish in Civil 3D. First, you'll be introduced to how pressure networks work in Civil 3D before going on to learning how to navigate and configure your table styles for pressure pipes, fittings, and appurtenances. Next, you'll become comfortable with the Pressure Network Plan Layout Ribbon and understand how each function affects your design process. Finally, you'll learn how to apply AutoCAD's 3D modeling tools to develop a simple 3D custom pressure part, as well as how to navigate and customize your pressure network catalog using Content Catalog Editor. By the end of this course, you'll know how to import your new custom part into your existing parts list and incorporate it into your design model. Software required: Civil 3D.

Table of contents

About the author

Steve Walz - Pluralsight course - Designing Pressure Network Models in Civil 3D
Steve Walz

Steve has been in the AEC Industry for over 14 years and has taken on many roles from drafting and designing, to BIM and CIM Model Management, implementing company-wide BIM and CIM standards, procedures, and workflows. He has also sat on many committees throughout his career, including QA/QC Committees, as well as several CAD and BIM Standards Committees. Steve is currently a Civil BIM Liaison at HDR, Inc, and is a Co-Chair of Advanced Solutions' Civil Professional User Group.

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