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Getting Started With Cinder

This course is an introduction to developing applications using the creative-coding open source Cinder library in C++.

Giovanni Dicanio - Pluralsight course - Getting Started With Cinder
by Giovanni Dicanio

What you'll learn

This course provides an introduction to Cinder using C++. Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++. Topics ranging from the basic architecture of a Cinder application, to 2D basic drawing, handling user input, image processing basics, face detection, OpenCV integration, and animation basics are included. An elementary knowledge of C++ should be just fine to follow the course, though more advanced aspects of the language and of the STL libraries will be discussed when needed.

Table of contents

About the author

Giovanni Dicanio - Pluralsight course - Getting Started With Cinder
Giovanni Dicanio

Giovanni Dicanio is a computer programmer specialized in both cross-platform C and C++, and Windows operating system development. He is a Microsoft MVP for Visual C++. He also blogs on msmvps.com/gdicanio.

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