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Build Process, Workflows and Tooling With Grunt.js and Beyond

Transform a static app with basic script includes and no tooling into a first class citizen with a build process, preprocessing, asset pipeline and more using techniques with Grunt.js and beyond (Yeoman, Lineman and more).

David Mosher - Pluralsight course - Build Process, Workflows and Tooling With Grunt.js and Beyond
by David Mosher

What you'll learn

Transform a static app with basic script includes and no tooling into a first class citizen with a build process, preprocessing, asset pipeline and more using techniques with Grunt.js and beyond (Yeoman, Lineman and more). This course covers adding an intermediary build process so that you can use CSS preprocessors, live reload, concat and minifying resources, coffeescript while splitting asset pipeline settings for local development vs production. You’ll also learn about getting up and running with new projects using Yeoman or Lineman to get up and running quickly building single page apps and unit testing your project.

Table of contents

About the author

David Mosher - Pluralsight course - Build Process, Workflows and Tooling With Grunt.js and Beyond
David Mosher

David Mosher is a Front-End Engineer at Test Double. He loves building great JavaScript web experiences using modern tools like Grunt and Lineman.

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