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Build iOS Apps with React Native

Leverage your existing web development skills to easily build slick native iOS apps.

Hendrik Swanepoel - Pluralsight course - Build iOS Apps with React Native
by Hendrik Swanepoel

What you'll learn

Do you have experience in web development and would like to gain valuable experience in mobile development? React Native enables you to leverage your existing skills to build slick native iOS apps. React is extremely popular, has great community support, and now, through React Native, supports building iOS apps that are indistinguishable from apps built with Objective-C or Swift.

Table of contents

About the author

Hendrik Swanepoel - Pluralsight course - Build iOS Apps with React Native
Hendrik Swanepoel

In his day job Hendrik is a full stack coder from Cape Town. For a large part of his career he worked with .NET, but the last few years he spent most of his time with JavaScript.

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