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Build Your Own Application Framework with ASP.NET MVC 5

In this advanced course, you will learn how to maximize your productivity with ASP.NET MVC by building your own application framework.

Matt Honeycutt - Pluralsight course - Build Your Own Application Framework with ASP.NET MVC 5
by Matt Honeycutt

What you'll learn

In this course, you will learn all about ASP.NET MVC, the various pieces and components that can be extended or customized, and how to leverage those pieces to build your own application framework. You’ll learn about concepts such as editor and display templates, layouts, building custom helpers, action filters, data annotations, and more. After a thorough introduction to application frameworks concepts, you will see how to craft your own optimized infrastructure for your applications. You’ll learn how to create your own HTML helpers, action results, data annotations, and action filters, as well as how to customize and extend larger subsystems such as model metadata providers, model binders, view engines, and dependency resolvers. You will learn how the baked-in conventions can be customized, enriched with additional conventions, or completely overwritten with whatever best fits your day-to-day needs. By the end of the course, you will know how to bend ASP.NET MVC 5 to maximize your productivity.

Table of contents

About the author

Matt Honeycutt - Pluralsight course - Build Your Own Application Framework with ASP.NET MVC 5
Matt Honeycutt

Matt is a Senior Software Architect specializing in ASP.NET web application architecture and development. He is also an avid testing practitioner and is the creator of two open-source testing frameworks. When he isn’t writing code, he’s often busy writing about code or helping others improve their own development skills.

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