Become a Digital Detective With Application Monitoring
By: Michelle Sisti
An unexpected perk of keeping an eye on your application's stats is detecting anomalies that could be tied to malicious users. Let’s look at ways that your logging and monitoring setup can work double time for you and help you to catch users with ill-intent.
Pluralsight's Security Bounty Program
By: Colin Jackson
At Pluralsight we build out a unique approach to our security awareness program by creating a Security Bounty Program
Cryptographic Hashing Functions
By: Eric Andres
A hashing function is a one-way function that takes some input and returns a deterministic output. The output is often referred to as a digest, a hash code, or simply a hash.
Password Security
By: Allan Stewart
In an era where password breaches are all too common, it's easy to be concerned about what companies do with user passwords. Unfortunately, in most cases it's a black-box scenario where we can only guess at what's going on under the hood based on clues like character or length restrictions.