Python CLI Utilities with Poetry and Typer
By: John Walk
Python is exceptionally flexible as a scripting language - let's learn how to extend simple scripts into full-featured command line utilities.
Managing Python Environments
By: John Walk
If you're not careful, your Python environment can quickly become a disaster. We'll walk through the available tools to be more (code) environmentally friendly and establish some (highly opinionated) preferences for setting up Python.
Tips for Language Learning
By: Parker Johansen
Learning is a very personal thing. Learning a language is even more so. In this post, I discuss my approach to learning new programming languages in the hope that you will be empowered to find your own way to learn new languages.
Temporary Development Environments
By: Parker Johansen
As a polygot programmer, I often find myself needing to write code in a language for which I don't have a development environment setup. Usually, this is for a small or short term project. When these situations arise, I use docker to avoid spending time setting up a full development environment that I may never use again.
Cryptographic Hashing Functions
By: Eric Andres
A hashing function is a one-way function that takes some input and returns a deterministic output. The output is often referred to as a digest, a hash code, or simply a hash.
Immutable Objects in C#
By: Justin Hewlett
You may have heard about the benefits of immutable objects, especially from the functional programming crowd. But creating and working with immutable objects in a language like C# can be tricky.
Removing Null from C#
By: Eric Andres
Null references can be a source of subtle bugs in software. Maybe is a tool that, while deceptively similar, provides much greater safety.
Password Security
By: Allan Stewart
In an era where password breaches are all too common, it's easy to be concerned about what companies do with user passwords. Unfortunately, in most cases it's a black-box scenario where we can only guess at what's going on under the hood based on clues like character or length restrictions.