Extracting Sessions from Interaction Data in Snowflake
By: Sam Schick
Extracting Sessions from Interaction Data in Snowflake Processing user interaction data into something useful can be challenging. On the Pluralsight Search team, we can see every interaction a learner has with our search engine, but these events are much more meaningful when considered in context. Learners don’t think about what they are trying to accomplish as isolated API calls, so if we want to understand their motivation we should look at sets of interactions bundled together into sessions.
How Metrics Helped Me Find My Voice as a Female Software Engineer
By: Lilac Mohr
Many software engineers approach productivity metrics with cynicism and distrust; they see them as a way for managers to spy on employees and turn people into numbers. As a soft-spoken female in the male dominated high-tech industry, I have a different story to tell about software metrics.
Synthwave Styling Data Visualizations in Python with Altair
By: John Walk
The dream of the '80s is alive in my new favorite Python visualization tool.
Nickname Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks with PyTorch
By: John Walk
Recurrent Neural Network architectures are a potent way to model and generate sequential data, especially for tasks like working with human language. Let's build one over individual characters to generate cheeky nicknames!
What is a Data Owner, Really?
By: Jenny Carlston
What does it mean to take ownership? There are a lot of different ways the term owner is used in our society and within our organization.
Data Processing with Dask
By: John Walk
It's remarkably easy to reach a point where our typical Python tools don't really scale suitably with our data in terms of processing time or memory usage. The Dask library joins the power of distributed computing with the flexibility of Python development for data science, with seamless integration to common Python data tools. Let's build a simple data pipeline for working with text data.
Porting Flask to FastAPI for ML Model Serving
By: John Walk
Due to its simplicity, Flask is a very popular web framework for building REST APIs in Python - particularly for serving Machine Learning models. Here we'll learn how to migrate to the newer FastAPI framework to take advantage of advances in type checking & asynchronous programming.