Getting Into Flow with Mike Hoye
Tuesday, December 03, 2024 || 1:00 PM MT / 8:00 PM UTC
In this (brief!) webinar, Mike Hoye and Sage Rozzel will talk about:
How to get started with Flow, both as a tool and a shift in how you can lead your teams.
How to climb those learning and adoption curves, so your engineers can get as much out of Flow as your managers and leaders
What it means for your team when it all comes together, and they find their Flow.
Every carpenter has a tape measure, every runner has a stopwatch and professionals in any field know that you can't eyeball-and-vibes your way to excellence.
People are a lot more complicated, and a lot more important than planks and barbells; if we're going to build great teams that can build great products, our tools need to be at least as good as t-squares and scales. But powerful tools can be frightening to use, and take time and care to learn how to use well.
We hope you can join Mike, Sage and some of our most enthusiastic customers, to learn how you can navigate the path to data-driven leadership, and everything that makes it worth the journey.