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Craig Weiss Names Pluralsight in Top 10 Learning Systems

Pluralsight Skills is the first 100% skills learning platform ever to break into the CWG Top 10 Learning Systems Report. Learn more and get a free team trial.

Mar 2, 2022 • 3 Minute Read

Typically, 7th place isn’t newsworthy.


"Unless it’s 7th place out of 100+. And you’re the first company of your type to earn that coveted spot."


That’s what happened recently when analyst Craig Weiss named Pluralsight Skills in his Top Ten Learning Systems Report 2022.

Author of the popular E-Learning 24/7 blog, read by L&D professionals in 174 countries, Craig blazed a trail by creating a robust search engine specifically for the “learning systems” space. His database contains over 100 learning management systems (LMS), learning experience platforms (LXP), learning platforms, distance-learning platforms (DLP), sales enablement platforms (SEP) and training management systems.


While many people view these as distinctly separate categories, Craig groups these organizations under a single moniker, “Learning Systems.” Each entity in the database facilitates learning in some way. 

A paradigm shift

“Organizations have differing needs based on workforce composition, industry, size and many other factors,” says Craig. “By analyzing Learning Systems as a broad category, instead of several silos, buyers are able to create efficiencies, mixing and matching the specific capabilities they need for achieving their unique business goals.”


The industry is experiencing a convergence among the categories. The distinctions between them have become more blurred. In the past, for example, an LMS may have focused more on the administrator’s requirements, whereas a Learning Platform centered primarily around learners’ needs.


Today, the line between these categories is fuzzier. Craig’s 2022 report cites Pluralsight Skills as “the first 100% skills learning platform ever to break into the top 10 learning system rankings.” Notably, he provides equally high marks for Learner Experience and Administration UX. He remarked that Pluralsight’s “data visualization excels in the industry, clearly in the top three for 2022.”

Best learning system for a software, IT and data workforce

Given the level of convergence, employers are reevaluating how they provide and track learning.


This is particularly true for those with technical workforces. Nearly every organization—including retailers, health insurers, financial institutions and government agencies—have become software companies in recent years. The current tech talent shortage, coupled with acceleration of digital transformation projects, is calling for new, more efficient solutions for upskilling and reskilling. With robust options for any industry and employer size, Pluralsight Skills is the only learning system in Craig’s report specifically tailored for a technical workforce.


If you’re exploring or rethinking the best way to facilitate tech skill development in your organization, you can view Craig's FindAnLMS, which has over 100 learning systems — the best of the best — at no cost. Once you’re signed in, start with Pluralsight in the search field to view Craig’s scoring on such topics as Administration UX, Learner Experience, Metrics and Reporting and System UI. He’s created a truly valuable resource.

And if Craig’s review sparks your curiosity, ask for a free team trial of Pluralsight Skills.

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