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Welcome Skills Assessment Engine, Smarterer to the Pluralsight Family!

Nov 19, 2014 • 3 Minute Read

It is with great excitement that today we get to announce Pluralsight, our parent company, has acquired Smarterer, a sophisticated assessment engine that will allow us to connect the dots between proving and improving your skills. Whether you are trying to measure where your skill level is currently, or find out what you need to learn, we now have an assessment engine to help! Smarterer serves up hundreds of fresh, data-driven assessments on everything from creative software to programming to social media. But we want to do more. The acquisition gives Smarterer the resources it needs to grow its assessment library at an accelerated rate and reach an even larger audience, including more topics for creatives. So what makes Smarterer different than other assessment tools out there? It uses experts and crowd-sourced questions to quickly—in as few as 10 questions and 120 seconds—tell you how your talents stack up against your peers. The enterprise solution, Flock, allows businesses to build custom tests to improve hiring, support learning discovery, and inform workforce planning. Read the full Pluralsight post on the news, and look for updates as they become available right here on the Digital-Tutors blog. Feel like testing your knowledge now? Try some of the current skills tests to see how you measure up: InDesign Illustrator Flash AutoCAD After Effects Good luck!
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Pluralsight C.

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