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Using ​a Spreadsheet​ ​to Power Charts in AngularJS Apps

Learn to build an AngularJS application to create interactive JavaScript charts which will contain data exported from Google Sheets in real-time.

Dec 15, 2018 • 13 Minute Read


AngularJS and Google Sheets are all the rage nowadays. Both are being used commonly, and developers are finding interesting use cases around them.Today I’m going to share something I’ve built that is not only fun, but may have some practical applications as well.

We’ll build an AngularJS application to create interactive JavaScript charts which will contain data exported from Google Sheets in real-time. First, we’ll briefly talk about AngularJS, FusionCharts and Google Sheets. And then we’ll put all of these together to build our project. If you’re already aware of these technologies, you can skip the introductions and dive right into the tutorial.


AngularJS is one of the most popular JavaScript Web frameworks to create single page Web applications. Angular allows you to declare components directly in the HTML with the help of Angular directives. Angular’s declarative way with help of AngularJS directives, and two way binding makes developing Web applications a breeze. It’s also pretty easy to maintain and test AngularJS applications.


As I mentioned above, we’re going to use FusionCharts’ JavaScript charts library for this project. It has an exhaustive collection of charts and graphs; wiith over 90-plus chart types and 965 maps, you’ll find everything that you need right out of the box. It not only supports modern browsers, but also older browsers starting from IE6. FusionCharts supports both JSON and XML data formats, and you can export charts in PNG, JPEG, SVG or PDF. It offers some nifty plugins and wrappers, one of which we’ll use today; AngularJS.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets (or Google Spreadsheets) is a Web-based app that allows you to create, update and modify spreadsheets and share the data live online. It’s basically like an earlier version of MS Excel in cloud. But it’s steadily becoming better, and I have no doubt that it will become the default spreadsheet app in the near future.

The best part is that you can export the data present in your sheet via JSON! And that’s exactly the feature we need for this project. Once you set up your sheet to export data in JSON format, it opens up a wide array of possibilities. And creating interactive charts is just one of those that we’ll explore.

A quick look into what we will be making (see the live CodePen demo here):

Now, let’s get started with the tutorial!

Setting the spreadsheet

For this tutorial, I’m creating a sheet with two columns of data. One column will contain the labels and the other column will contain values corresponding to the those labels. You can see the sample sheet for this project here.

How to extract data present in Google Sheets

To be able to create a chart from Google Sheets, we need to somehow fetch the data present in our sheet. Luckily, we just need to make some changes in the settings of the sheet. The default setting of the Google Sheet makes the sheet not accessible on the Web without authentication. So, first we need to modify this setting. To do that we need to change the sharing settings to Anyone with the link or Public on the Web. Follow these steps:

  • Step-1: Click the ‘Share’ button on top right corner of your sheet. You should see this screen after clicking:
  • Step-2: Click on ‘Advanced’ on the bottom right corner of above screen. You will get this:
  • Step-3: Right now above screen says ‘Specific people can access’. To change this, click ‘Change...’. Choose ‘On - Anyone with the link’ on the screen that appears (see below).

Now our sheet is accessible to anyone who has a link to it, but we’re not done yet. To make the data available in different formats like JSON or XML for the chart, we need to publish the Google Sheet to the Web. Click on ‘File’ >> ‘Publish to the web...’. Then click the ‘Publish’ button on the screen that appears:

Now our sheet is all set up to make some awesome charts! With these settings made, the JSON data should be available through this URL

Above URL is of this format:{{ID}}/od6/public/basic?alt=json

Where ‘id’ is the spreadsheet id. Every spreadsheet has a unique id and you can replace my sheet’s id with yours in the live CodePen demo to plot your data.

Creating an AngularJS application

Creating an AngularJS application is pretty easy after the initial learning curve, but it might look overwhelming at first glance. We will not go through the process of creating an AngularJS application in detail here, but most of the AngularJS concepts can be looked over here:

To create a bare minimum Angular application, we need to include AngularJS library, template file (HTML) and a JS file which creates the application. The template will contain HTML as well as some Angular directives. The app will create a controller, which is responsible for fetching the data and binding the data to the template. The linking between the controller and template happens through a couple of directives; ng-app and ng-controller.

This is the <script> tag that needs to be added to include minified AngularJS 1.5.0 file from CDN:

      <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>

This is the HTML we would need for the app:

      <div ng-app="chartApp" ng-controller="chartController">

And finally, add this piece of code in a JavaScript file to define the angular app and controller:

      var myApp = angular.module('chartApp',[]);

myApp.controller('chartController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    // Further code will be added here

Now that we have bootstrapped the angular application, we’ll proceed to creating the chart.

Creating the chart

To create the chart, first we’ll fetch the data present in the our spreadsheet through an AJAX call. After the AJAX request is successful, we’ll restructure spreadsheet data and create the chart using FusionCharts.

To the make the AJAX call, we’ll use jQuery’s $.get() method.

Fetching the data

To include jQuery, add the following script tag:

      <script type=”text/javascript” src=”></script>

Now we’ll make an AJAX call to the Google sheet that we created using jQuery’s $.get() method in the controller of our application.


    success: function (revenueData) {

    // data processing and chart creation to go here


Parsing the data

The data that we fetched from spreadsheet has to be converted into the format that FusionCharts understands. FusionCharts accepts JSON data as an array of objects containing label and value. This is how it looks:

    “label”: “Potato”

To achieve this, we need to run the following piece of code in the success function of the jQuery get function we defined earlier.

      var data = revenueData.feed.entry,
  revenueDataLength = data.length,
  chartData = [],

for (var i = 0; i < revenueDataLength; i++) {
  datum = data[i];
    label: datum.title.$t,
    value: datum.content.$t.replace("revenue: ", "")

Explanation on the above code: We’re using a for loop to iterate over each spreadsheet’s data object present in the revenueData.feed.entry. We’re doing this to extract label and value out of it. Then we’re storing the extracted values in a new array called chartData, which will be used by the chart.

The label is available in the title.$t key and the value is available in content.$t key of the data object. The value we extracted contains the spreadsheet’s column name, which is not necessary, and so we remove it. The rest of the data in the spreadsheet is not needed for our project.

chartData now contains data in a format that will be understood by FusionCharts. Finally, we’re ready to create the chart!

Rendering the chart

To create the chart we’ll use the FusionCharts’ AngularJS charts plugin. The plugin exposes FusionCharts through an AngularJS directive which makes creating the chart in AngularJS a little easier. To learn more about the plugin or see some live demos, head over to official page. For this tutorial, I’ve hosted the plugin on Google Drive.

We will create a 3D doughnut chart, so we just need FusionCharts core library; fusioncharts.js.

We’ll include AngularJS, jQuery, FusionCharts, and FusionCharts’ AngularJS plugin using HTML <script> tags:

      <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src='/location/of/fusioncharts.js'></script>
<script src='/location/of/angular-fusioncharts.min.js'></script>

After including these dependencies, we’ll modify the app that we have created to include ng-fusioncharts module, which is the plugin we’re using.

      var myApp = angular.module("chartApp", ["ng-fusioncharts"]);

And now, we need to add the plugin’s directive into the template:


This code tells the plugin to create the doughnut3d chart using the sheetDataSource object and the dimensions specified. Once we set the sheetDataSource object after fetching the data, the chart will be rendered. The following code in the success callback sets the sheetDataSource:

      $scope.$apply(function() {
  $scope.sheetDataSource = {
    chart: {
      caption: "Revenue Split",
      captionFontColor: "#000"
      // more chart cosmetics

    data: chartData

Here we’re wrapping the setup of sheetDataSource in $scope.$apply to trigger a watcher on it and update the chart. This is done because, by default, Angular doesn’t update the UI--once the variable is updated, we have to trigger it manually. Much more about $apply here.

In the above code snippet I have only displayed two attributes; caption and captionFontColor, but there are literally hundreds of attributes that FusionCharts offers to customize a chart. It’s not possible to define all attributes here, so I have only explained the few that are most important.

  • baseFont: You can use baseFont attribute to adjust the font family being used on your chart. You can use any font under the sun. In my example, I used ‘Open Sans’. Just include the relevant font file in your HTML and you’re all set to start using it in your chart
  • paletteColors: You can define a set of colors in hex-code using this attribute. Biggest pie will take the first color and next one will take second and so on.
  • toolTipBgColor: This attribute controls the background color of the tooltip. You can use similar attributes like toolTipPadding and toolTipBgAlpha to control padding and background transparency, respectively.

For more, you can visit chart attributes page for doughnut chart.

Additional resources

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and can make use of it in making some real-life applications. But a tutorial like mine can’t explain everything; it’s just the beginning and you’ll have to explore further on your own if you want to take it to the next level. To help you in your journey, here are some trusted resources:

And, finally, if you have any questions, feel free say hello on Twitter!