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React Todo List

Jul 29, 2019 • 12 Minute Read


This two part guide will use React to develop a simple todo list. We will start by learning how to display a list, add functions to mark an item as complete, and, finally, how to filter the list by complete and overdue items.

The second part, will make our list more dynamic as we explore how to use a mock API to retrieve and update the list, as well as add functions to add new items.

The guide requires a version of React that includes the hooks API and will assume that Bootstrap is available. Extra CSS will be provided by this file.

The application will start with a header component at the top of the page. The header component starts by simply displaying the title of the application and looks like this:

      function Header() {
  return (
      <nav className="navbar navbar-light bg-light">
        <span className="navbar-brand">
          Todo list

Listing Items

The first things a todo list needs is a list of todo items in the view. To start with this list, will be defined in a json file like this:

  "Items": [
      "id": "1",
      "timestampDue": 1561881986756,
      "name": "Pay credit card bill",
      "complete": false

The data contains a unique id, a timestamp of the date/time the todo item becomes due, the name of the item, and a boolean to determine whether it has been completed or not. This file can be imported into the application like this:

      import todo from "./mockData.json";

To display the items in the view, this code can be used:

      <ul className="list-group">
  { => (
    <li key={} className="list-group-item">
      {`${} - ${dateformat(new Date(item.timestampDue), "dd-mmm-yyyy")}`}

This creates a ul element and maps each item in the list to an li element that contains just the name of the todo item along with the date the item is due. The date is being formatted using the dateformat package. Note the key prop that is being set on the li; when rendering multiple components from a list React requires a unique key prop for each component in order to determine when the list, and any items in it, have changed.

While this code is fine, we should be using principles of component composition, especially given that it is known that extra functionality will shortly be added to an item in the list. To do this the li element can be extracted into a new component that accepts the item as a prop. This is done like this:

      function Item({ item }) {
  return (
    <li className="list-group-item">
      {`${} - ${dateformat(new Date(item.timestampDue), "dd-mmm-yyyy")}`}

This functional component takes a prop of item. The syntax in the functions argument list { item } is using object destructuring to extract each prop; the function could have just accepted an argument like this (props) and referenced the item like this props.item.

This new component can be consumed like this:

      { => <Item key={} item={item} />)}

All that has been done here is that, rather than map each item directly to an li element, each item is mapped to the Item component. Note that the key attribute is now set on the Item component.

One feature that might be useful in this UI is to highlight any items that are past their due date. To calculate whether an item is overdue, simply take the timestampDue property of the item and check if it is before the current timestamp; it should also not return true for any completed items.

This function will calculate if an item is overdue:

      function isOverdue(item) {
  return !item.complete && item.timestampDue < new Date().getTime();

This can then be used to set the class of the li element to list-group-item list-group-item-danger when overdue and list-group-item list-group-item-info if not, like this:

      const itemClass = `list-group-item list-group-item-${isOverdue(item) ? "danger" : "info"}`;
return (
  <li className={itemClass}>

The todo app now has a list of todo items and distinguishes between those that are overdue and those that aren't.

Complete Items

Once an item on the list has been performed, it needs to be set as completed so that it can be shown as complete or, later in the guide, not displayed at all.

Currently, the todo items are imported from a json file and accessed directly by the code; as we are going to start changing the items in the list, they will need to be stored in a component state. This is done like this:

      const [items, setItems] = React.useState(todo.Items);

This code uses the state hook; this hook returns an array and the code uses array destructuring to get a state that lists the current items and a function - setItems - that can be used to update that state. Instead of using todo.Items to access the items in the todo list, items should now be used.

In order to complete an item in the list, the code will need to create a list with the complete property of the specified item set to true and pass this list to setItems which will update the state. When the state has changed React will re-render the components to reflect this change. This function will set an item to be complete:

      function completeItem(id) {
  const updatedItems = => 
    ( === id ? { ...item, complete: true } : item)); 

This function is using the map array function to project a new list item. If the ID of the item does not match the ID of the item that is being set then map returns the same item; if it does match the ID then the object spread operator is used to return a new item with all of the same properties except that complete is set to true. This new list is then passed to setItems and the relevant components are updated.

All that remains is to allow a user to set an item as complete and display an item as complete in the UI; both of these changes will be made in the Item component.

Firstly, the component will need to add a button for the user to click to complete an item, and then accept a new prop of completeItem that will be a function to be called when the button is clicked and will ultimately call the completeItem function with the ID of the item. Finally, a class can be added to the text of the item so that it can be shown as complete - in the example CSS used in this guide, a complete item will be shown crossed out and slightly opaque.

The final Item component looks like this:

      function Item({ item, completeItem }) {
  const itemClass = `list-group-item list-group-item-${isOverdue(item) ? "danger" : "info"}`;
  return (
    <li className={itemClass}>
      <div className="item">
        <span className={`item-title${item.complete ? " complete-item" : ""}`}>
          {`${} - ${dateformat(new Date(item.timestampDue), "dd-mmm-yyyy")}`}
        {!item.complete && (
          <button type="button" className="btn btn-link" onClick={completeItem}>
            Complete item

The new div inside the li is just there to ensure that the button is displayed on the right hand side of the component, the span is used to display the text as complete or not, and the button is only rendered if the item is not already complete.

There will also need to be a change to the usage of this component - a completeItem prop is now required. The list of items is now built like this:

      { => (
  <Item key={} item={item} completeItem={() => completeItem(} />))}

The completeItem prop is set to an arrow function that passes the current to the completeItem function.

Filter the List

The final piece of functionality to be added to the application is filtering of the list. Currently, all of the items in the list are shown regardless of their completion status, meaning that, after a while, it may be difficult for a user to spot the incomplete items. The application should not show complete items unless the user specifically asks for them and should also allow the user the option to only show overdue items.

These filters need to be stored in component state and set via UI in the Header component. The filter state will be initialized like this:

      const [filter, setFilter] = 
  React.useState({ overdueOnly: false, includeComplete: false});

The filter object and the setFilter function are passed to the Header component as props and the following components added:

  label="Overdue items only"
  select={() => setFilter({...filter, overdueOnly: true})}
  unSelect={() => setFilter({...filter, overdueOnly: false})}
  label="Include complete items"
  select={() => setFilter({...filter, includeComplete: true})}
  unSelect={() => setFilter({...filter, includeComplete: false})}

Now that the filters are updated by selecting/deselecting these checkboxes, the list that is rendered needs filtering according to the filters object. This can be done by using the array filter function like this:

      const filteredItems = todo.filter(item => 
  (filter.includeComplete || !item.complete) && 
  (!filter.overdueOnly || isOverdue(item)),

Now filteredItems should be used to create the list:

      { => (
  <Item key={} item={item} completeItem={() => completeItem(} />))}


This todo application now uses an API to get the list, adds and completes items, and has options to filter the list. A sample todo application using this code can be found here.


Continue on to the next part of this guide, React Todo List with Functions, where we will learn about using a mock API to retrieve and update the list and add functions to add new items.

Chris Dobson

Chris D.

Chris is currently working in the UK healthcare sector as an 'Expert Developer' and has been developing software both for fun and professionally for more years than he cares to remember. Having developed software for, among others, Unix, Win32, ASP .NET using C, C++, C#, and F# for the last few years has been using Javascript and Typescript to develop for Node and React and can't remember enjoying his job quite as much as he is at the moment. In his spare time if he is not spending time with his 5-year-old daughter Chris can usually be found playing cricket.

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