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Creating a Chat Using Rails' Action Cable

In this Ruby on Rails 5 tutorial you'll learn how to use Action Cable and Active Job to build a chat. Learn how to leverage the Websocket integration in building your chat.

Dec 15, 2018 • 16 Minute Read


In this tutorial we’ll explore two new features of Ruby on Rails - Action Cable and Active Job. Action Cable is without a doubt, the more thrilling of the two. It features integration of the WebSocket communication protocol which, compared to its ancestor HTTP, offers some great new features that will give you numerous new ideas for building things. Rails is perhaps the first mature framework to adopt and implement the WebScoket protocol in itself, so you can only imagine the possibilities of what you can build with it!

To best demonstrate the capabilities of ActionCable, WebSocket and Active Job, we’ll build a chat using Ruby on Rails 5

HTTP and Websockets

In HTTP, the connection between the server and the client has a short lifespan: The client requests a resource from the server, a connection with a server is established and the requested resource (be it JSON, HTML, XML or some kind of a file) is streamed to the client as a response. Then, the connection is closed. But how would the client know if the server has new or updated data? Usually, HTTP would use long polling, in which the client would “ask” the server if there is something new in a given interval of time.

Unlike HTTP, WebSockets is protocol that enables the client and the server to keep an open connection, enabling them to directly stream data between each other. The client subscribes to an open websocket connection in the server and when there is new information, the server broadcasts the data and the subscribed clients receive it. This way, both the server and the client know about the state of the data and can easily synchronize changes as they occur.

How does ActionCable function?

Since the Rails controllers are purpose-built to handle HTTP requests, Rails has devised a different way to handle its integration of WebSockets. Rails 5 apps have a new directory in the app directory called channels. Channels acts as controllers for WebSocket requests by encapsulating the logic about particular works of unit, such as chat messages or notifications. The channels can be subscribed to client-side in order to transmit data from-and-to the channel or multiple channels.

Installing ActionCable

Action Cable is a new feature that requires you to have the latest version of Rails 5. One of the prerequisites of Rails 5 is that you have Ruby 2.2.4 (and higher) installed alongside its development kit. As of March 11, 2016, the latest stable version is Rails 5 beta3. In order to get it, you need to install the rails gem with the following options:

      gem install rails --pre --no-ri --no-rdoc


Action Cable requires the PostgreSQL as its adapter. You need to install it on your Operating System and configure it before continuing with the tutorial (go ahead, we’ll wait).

Creating a new Rails app with pgsql

When creating the a new Rails app, you need to specify it as an adapter so that the new app won't have the default SQLite.

      rails _5.0.0.beta3_ new chatapp --database=postgresql

After creating your app and configuring the database.yml file to match your PostgreSQL settings, you’re ready to move on and create an empty database:

      cd chatapp
rake db:create

Laying the foundation

As you’ve likely guessed from the name of the new application, we’ll build a very simple chat that leverages the power of Action Cable. Here’s how it’s going to work in a few steps of pseudocode:

  • Create a server-side websocket channel called room_channel that will have methods for when a client subscribes and unsubscribes, and a method for sending data to the client.
  • Create a client-side representation of the channel using JavaScript (CoffeeScript in this case) that will be called RoomChannel (note the naming convention). It will subscribe to the server-side channel and will have methods which will be fired on connecting/disconnecting from the server and methods for handling, sending and receiving data.
  • Make a Rails Job that will queue the new message to be created in the database and broadcast it back through the websocket channel after it is created.

First, let's start by scaffolding a simple controller for the chat room. It will contain the view for the chat itself.

      rails g controller rooms show

The controller and the action are done, so let's put them as the root for the application:


Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'rooms#show'

Next, we'll create the model which, as you'd probably guess, is called message and it will have a content attribute where the actual message will be stored.

      rails g model message content:text

And migrate it into the database. Note that in Rails 5, you can use rails for rake tasks.

      rails db:migrate

With the model ready, let's add all the messages to the show action.


class RoomsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @messages = Message.all

The controllers and the model are done, time to move on to the views.

First, it’s time to remove the scaffolded view for rooms#show and replace it with this:

      <h1>Chat room</h1>

<div id="messages">
  <%= render @messages %>

  <label>Say something:</label><br>
  <input type="text" data-behavior="room_speaker">

Second, let's create a folder for messages in the views folder and create the partial that we’ll use for rendering a single message:

      # app/view/messages/_message.html.erb

<div class=“message”>
  <p><%= message.content %></p>

render @messages will automatically look for a _message.html.erb partial in the views/messages directory to display each single message, so that we don't have to write anything extra--it just can’t get DRYer than that!

Also, make sure that your applicaton.js has JQuery included:

      // app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

Creating a channel

So far, it's all been the standard Rails stuff. Time to move to the interesting part: Creating your first ActionCable channel.

The first thing we need to do is enable the usage of ActionCable in the application. It’s done in two simple steps:

  1. Mount it in routes.rb .
     # Serve websocket cable requests in-process
   mount ActionCable.server => '/cable'
  1. Initialize it in
      #= require action_cable
#= require_self
#= require_tree ./channels
@App ||= {}
App.cable = ActionCable.createConsumer()

You’ll also want to check to see if you have <%= action_cable_meta_tag %> in the head section of app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.

Rails introduced a new generator for generating channels, so let's run it and see what it does:

      rails g channel room speak

Running this will generate two files; a javascript file located in app/assets/javascripts/channels/ and a ruby file located in app/channels/room_channel.rb.

Let's analyze the ruby file first:


class RoomChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  def subscribed
    # stream_from "some_channel"

  def unsubscribed
    # Any cleanup needed when channel is unsubscribed

  def speak

The subscribed method is a default that’s called when a client connects to the channel, and it’s usually used to 'subscribe' the client to listen to changes. The speak action is a custom action that we created when we ran the generator. It will be used to receive data from its client-side representation.

      #app/assets/javascripts/channels/ = App.cable.subscriptions.create "RoomChannel",
  connected: ->
    # Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server

  disconnected: ->
    # Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server

  received: (data) ->
    # Called when there's incoming data on the websocket for this channel

  speak: ->
    @perform 'speak'

In the JavaScript file, the client subscribes to the server through = App.cable.subscriptions.create "RoomChannel".There are three default methods; connected , disconnected (which, as you might have guessed, handles the state of the connection), and received (which will handle how received data from the server-side will be handled). The speak method in the JavaScript file will be used to send data to its server-side representation.

Typing App.cable will show you what the actual representation of ActionCable looks like client-side. is the channel we just created. By typing we call the speak() function from the file, which then transmits data to the speak method in room_channel.

In the terminal you can see that the method has been successfully called from the client. Awesome!

Trasmitting data

Now that we’re done with the connection, it’s time to transmit and create our first message via ActionCable. First, let's make the speak() function accept a parameter:

      #app/assets/javascripts/channels/ = App.cable.subscriptions.create "RoomChannel",
  #rest of the code
  speak: (message) ->
    @perform 'speak', message: message

This will send a message object serialized as JSON to the server-side speak method in the RoomChannel. Consequently, we need to change the method so that it accepts parameters! Let's do that.


  def speak(data)
    ActionCable.server.broadcast "room_channel", message: data['message']

Now, the speak method will take the message and broadcast it to room_channel. But how do we get the broadcasts from it? In order to do that, we’ll assign all the subscribers to listen to it by using stream_from in the subscribed method.


class RoomChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  def subscribed
     stream_from "room_channel"

  def unsubscribed
    # Any cleanup needed when channel is unsubscribed

  def speak(data)
    ActionCable.server.broadcast "room_channel", message: data['message']

Essentially, room_channel is the environment in the ActionCable server where the data comes and gets bounced back to all clients. We can receive the data from subscribed by using the received() function in Here’s how:


  received: (data) ->

  #speak function

$(document).on 'keypress', '[data-behavior~=room_speaker]', (event) ->
  if event.keyCode is 13 # return/enter = send = ''

An event listener has been added on the bottom of the file for the textbox we put in the template. When you write something in textbox and press Enter/Return, it will call the speak function of the room, which will send the text in the input to the server-side method.

Restart your rails server, and try typing a message in the text field and clicking enter. Did you get an alert? If you open multiple browsers or tabs on localhost:3000 and you type something, you will get alerts on all of them because they'll all be subscribed to the same channel.

Look at that, we’ve completed a full cycle: The message goes from the client to the server and bounces back to the server to all clients that have subscribed to the channel.

Persisting messages into the database

Our application is working, but there are two issues:

  1. The messages are not stored in the database
  2. We don't have enough control in what format the messages are broadcasted.

Solving the first problem is easy. We’ll simply create a new message once the server receives the message instead of broadcasting it:


  #the rest of the methods
  def speak(data)
    Message.create! content: data['message']

What we’re aiming to achieve is to broadcast the _message.html.erb partial we created earlier to the room_channel. Usually, we would do this in the controller, but we don’t have one. Rendering it in the model, view or the channel seems inappropriate. So where can we put it? Enter Rails Jobs.

Rails jobs are good for two types of things:

  • Big tasks that can be broken down in small chunks
  • Tasks that have to run in parallel

This means that multiple jobs can be created and queued so that the server can execute as many at a time as its resources permit. The more processing power and memory the server has, the more jobs it can run simultaneously!

Here’s how we’ll make a broadcast job for the chat messages:


class Message < ApplicationRecord
  after_create_commit { MessageBroadcastJob.perform_later self }

First, we’ll create a after_create hook in the model. The after_create_commit hook means that a job will be executed once the message has been successfully saved into the database. perform_later means that the job will be executed as soon as the queue is empty.

Let's generate MessageBroadCastJob:

      rails g job MessageBroadcast
class MessageBroadcastJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default

  def perform(message)
    ActionCable.server.broadcast 'room_channel', message: render_message(message)


  def render_message(message)
    ApplicationController.renderer.render(partial: 'messages/message', locals: { message: message })

The perform method of the job will receive the message, do its magic by rendering the message into the _message.html.erb partial, and broadcast directly from the job. Another new feature in Rails 5 is that you can render templates out of the scope of a controller, using the renderer of the ApplicationController . This nifty feature is used exactly for a case like this in which we do not have a MessageController defined but would like to use its templates.

There’s only one thing left to do: remove the alert and replace it with a function that will append the partial to our view:


  received: (data) ->
    $('#messages').append data['message']

By doing this, the '#messages' div will have the message in the template appended to the DOM. To clarify, data['message'] contains what was broadcast from the MessageBroadcastJob , i.e the rendered _message.html.erb partial with the message in it.

Now you can go ahead and start typing away in the text box and you’ll see your messages appearing in the chat.

Got lost during the tutorial?

You can check out the code of the tutorial on Github.