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Build a Futurama Quote-bot with Twilio MMS, Morbotron, and Ruby

In this tutorial, we are going to use Twilio and Morbotron to create a Ruby app that will automatically send us a Futurama screencap and quote every day via MMS. Requires less than 50 lines of Ruby! Learn how today!

Jan 10, 2019 • 12 Minute Read


Back in August I submitted a guide for the hack.guides() Tutorial Contest about building a Simpsons quote-bot with Twilio MMS, Frinkiac, and Python. I enjoyed writing that post so much that I decided to rewrite a similar version in a language less familiar to me: Ruby. I also wanted to dabble a bit with Morbotron, a database made by the same team that developed Frinkiac.

In this tutorial, we are going to use Twilio and Morbotron, the Futurama quote and screencap database, to create a Ruby app that will automatically send us a Futurama screencap and quote every day via MMS. Best of all, we are going to accomplish this in less than 50 lines of Ruby. Yup, no cron jobs, no servers, just Ruby.

If you don't want to follow along and just want to see the finished code, check out the Github repository..

Getting Started

Before we can jump into code, we need to set up our environment.

Ruby and Ruby Version Manager

For this project I'm going to be using Ruby Version Manager (RVM) to install Ruby version 2.3.0. I recommend following RVM's quick guided install to set it up. Once installed, run the following commands to install the necessary Ruby version:

      $ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
$ rvm install 2.3.0
$ rvm use 2.3.0

If you see the message RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work. see this StackOverflow post before continuing.

Ruby libraries

Once RVM and Ruby are ready, we'll need to install a few Ruby libraries, or gems. It's a good idea to use bundler to handle this. The following command will install bundler, which we can use to download and install all the external libraries that we will need:

      $ gem install bundler

Next, make a gemfile. Bundler uses this to install our libraries. Create a new file in your project directory titled Gemfile and add the twilio, rufus-scheduler, and httparty gems using the commands below:

      source ''
gem 'httparty'
gem 'rufus-scheduler'
gem 'twilio-ruby'

Save Gemfile. We can now install all of the gems we need by running the following in the same directory:

      $ bundle install

Let's break down what we just installed.

  • 'rufus-scheduler' - A popular job scheduler for Ruby that will allow us to execute a given method at specific time intervals.
  • 'httparty' - A gem that simplifies HTTP requests. We will use it to make GET requests to the Morbotron API since there is no official API wrapper.
  • 'twilio-ruby' - The official Ruby gem for using the Twilio REST API.

Twilio account

Lastly, make sure you have a Twilio account. Sign up for free if necessary. Since we're developing a Quote-bot with MMS capabilities, you'll need a Twilio phone number that can handle MMS and SMS. Use the Phone Numbers Dashboard to check capabilities by phone number. Once that's all set up, you're ready to start building the Quote-bot.

Building Our App

It's time to start building our app. In your Gemfile directory, open a new file called morbotron.rb in your preferred editor.

At the top of this file, add the following lines:

      require 'twilio-ruby'
require 'rufus-scheduler'
require 'httparty'

# Set up a client to talk to the Twilio REST API.
auth_token = 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' # Your Auth Token from
@client = account_sid, auth_token

# Set up our scheduler.
scheduler =

The first three lines in the code above are simply importing all of the libraries we just installed. The three lines after our imports configure and create a Twilio::REST::Client object that will let us make calls to the Twilio REST API. Make sure you replace the values for account_sid and auth_token with your actual account SID and auth token. You can find these values in your Twilio account dashboard. The final line creates our scheduler, which we will configure shortly.

Important note: Never push code with your API credentials to a public repository. See the "Optional Steps" section at the bottom of this post for an alternative approach to using your Twilio API keys.

Next add the following get_quote method:

      def get_quote
  r = HTTParty.get('')
  # Check if our request had a valid response.
  if r.code == 200
      json = r.parsed_response
      # Extract the episode number and timestamp from the API response.
      _, episode, timestamp = json["Frame"].values

      # Build a proper URL
      image_url = "" + episode + "/" + timestamp.to_s

      # Combine each line of subtitles into one string, seperated by newlines.
      caption = json["Subtitles"].map{|subtitle| subtitle["Content"]}.join("\n")

      return image_url, caption

get_quote uses httparty to send a GET request to Morbotron. This retreives data about a random Futurama moment. Although Morbotron isn't technically an API, the entire site is React-based and fetches resources via HTTP. As such, we can use the site in the same way that we would use an API.

Next, we convert our retrieved data into JSON, extract the timestamp and episode code, and convert the timestamp into a string. timestamp and episode are used to create the URL that points to a screencap of the random Futurama moment.

Finally, we grab the contents from each line of subtitles in our JSON and join them together to form our screencap's caption.

Now let's add the only other method that we need:

      def send_MMS
  media, body = get_quote
      body: body,
      media_url: media,
      to: '+12345678901',  # Replace with your phone number
      from: '+12345678901' # Replace with your Twilio number
    puts "Message sent!"
  rescue Twilio::REST::RequestError => e
    puts e.message

This method starts by calling the get_quote method we created in the previous step and storing its return values. The begin/rescue block from above was adapted from the Twilio Ruby Helper Library documentation. These lines are simply taking in a number of parameters and turning them into a call to the Twilio REST API.

Replace the to and from parameters with your phone real phone number and your Twilio phone number, respectively. I recommend that you check your terminal to see if any errors occurred during the API call.

Now at the bottom of our file, below the two methods we just added, insert the following three lines:

      scheduler.every '24h' do

rufus-scheduler allows you to intuitively set the frequency of a method. Our app will now behave according to the scheduler, which means that send_MMS will be called once every 24 hours indefinitely or until you exit the app.

Testing Our App

For the purpose of testing the application, it's a good idea to change the schedule we added above to run more frequently. For example, scheduler.every '30s' do would call the send_MMS method every 30 seconds rather than every 24 hours.

After you've changed that, make sure to save morbotron.rb. Go back to your terminal and run the following command:

      $ ruby morbotron.rb

Your terminal will look like it has frozen. This just means that your app is running. After 30 seconds, you should see Message sent! in your terminal. See the "Optional Steps" section for instructions on running your program as a background process.

If you run into errors with Twilio, you will see a number of helpful tips printed to the terminal about how to resolve your issue.

If everything works out, expect to see an MMS with a random Futurama screencap and caption! Here's an example:

"It's a priceless quantum-force gemerald."

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! You've just built a Twilio-powered MMS Futurama Quote-bot using nothing more than a few lines of Ruby. The tools in this guide, such as the httparty, twilio-ruby, and rufus-scheduler libraries, can be used in numerous ways to create applications with new functionalities. Try combining new APIs and libraries with some of Twilio's other features like Voice or IP Messaging, and see what you can come up with!

Special thanks to this Twilio article written by Greg Baugues for help with parsing JSON with Ruby.

If you enjoyed this post be sure to check out the Twilio Blog for an endless amount of interesting articles and fun projects. Also, check out my personal blog for technical and non-technical articles, and follow me on Twitter @brodan_ to see when I publish more posts!

Optional Steps

  • An alternative approach to configuring your Twilio::REST::Client object is to use environment variables.

With environment variables you won't have to worry about making your API keys visible to the public. To do this, run the following commands in your terminal, replacing the values with your actual account SID and auth token:


Then open morbotron.rb and replace account_sid = 'XXXXXXX' and auth_token = 'YYYYYYYY' with the lines below:

      account_sid = ENV["TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"]
auth_token = ENV["TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"]
  • Using rufus-scheduler is very intuitive. However, alternative schedules include:
      scheduler.every '15m' do
scheduler.every '2d', :first_at => do '2016/12/24 2000' do

See the repository for full documentation and examples.

  • If you'd like to run your application as a background process, simply add & to the end of your ruby command:
      $ ruby morbotron.rb &
[1] 1872

This command will return a process ID (PID) number (1872 in this example) that you can append to the kill command in order to terminate your program (e.g. $ kill 1872). If you decide to use PID-kill, it might be a good idea to remove any lines that print to the terminal.

Thank you for reading my tutorial on creating a Futurama-based Quote-Bot using Twilio MMS, Morbotron, and Ruby. I hope that you found this guide informative and entertaining.