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How to clear Varnish cache for a url

Varnish made some changes in how you clear the cache in Varnish 3. It’s simple to clear the cache now, by using the “ban” command.

Jun 08, 2023 • 0 Minute Read

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Varnish made some changes in how you clear the cache in Varnish 3. Hence the confusing title. However, it's simple to clear the cache now, by using the "ban" command.
[:$] varnishadm -T ban.url /index.html
There are a few things you should be aware of. Varnish can run on different ports than 6089, so if you receive the following error:
Connection failed
It's either because the IP address or the port that Varnish is listening on isn't correct. A simple method to check this is to use the netstat command.
[:$] netstat -plnttcp 0 0* LISTEN 14142/varnishd
Here we see varnish is listening on the IP address and port 2222.So to clear/purge/ban the cache we just modify our command line command as follows
[:$] varnishadm -T ban.url /index.html
And you're done!