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Transform your engineering team using metrics they won't hate

Transitioning to a metrics-driven approach enhances productivity and satisfaction in engineering teams.

May 30, 2024 • 1 Minute Read

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  • Upskilling
  • AI & Data

In one of the latest LeadDev webinars, Mike Hoye, Director of Developer Relationships at Pluralsight Flow, Jason Brewer, Eng Manager at Intuit, and Nono Guimbi, Engineering Manager, Airbnb, talked through several success stories highlighting the transformative power of transitioning from subjective analysis to metrics management in engineering teams.

They shared that by focusing on metrics, these teams not only increased productivity but also enhanced job satisfaction. This webinar explores how you can use metrics to champion your team for promotions and career success, build trust within your team to embrace metrics, choose the right metrics, and determine the best time to introduce metrics.

Topics Discussed

1. Success Stories

Engineering teams have shifted from subjective analysis to a metrics-driven approach, leading to measurable improvements in productivity and satisfaction. Implementing clear, objective metrics allows teams to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate achievements. This data-driven approach fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation among team members.

2. Championing Your Team with Metrics

Metrics can champion your team for promotions and career advancement. By using well-defined metrics, you can demonstrate your team's contributions to organizational success. Metrics provide an objective way to showcase the impact of your team's work, making it easier to justify promotions and career growth opportunities.

3. Building Trust

Introducing metrics requires building trust. Approach this as a collaborative conversation, involving your team in the selection process. The TRACE framework (Transparent, Rewarding growth, Agency, Consistency, Explorative), created by the Developer Success Lab, can guide this process, ensuring your team feels valued and involved.

4. Choosing the Right Metrics

Early metrics should be simple, easy to understand, and clearly justified. Good initial metrics generate tangible wins, building momentum and demonstrating the value of a metrics-driven approach. Metrics should impact people’s lives and contribute to organizational success, like some DORA metrics (e.g., incident numbers, restoration time).

5. Timing and Role of Surveys

Introduce metrics thoughtfully and gradually, starting with a few key metrics that are easy to measure and influence. Surveys complement metrics by providing insights into team sentiment, identifying improvement areas, and tracking changes over time. They help ensure metrics align with team goals and address issues promptly.

Transitioning to a metrics-driven approach enhances productivity and satisfaction in engineering teams. By selecting and introducing the right metrics, building trust, and using tools like the TRACE framework and surveys, you can create a more transparent, rewarding, and effective work environment. This benefits both the organization and individual team members.

Flow Transformation Team

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