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Ollama: The Docker for LLMs and how it compares to ChatGPT

Ollama brings Docker-like simplicity to AI. Learn how Ollama stacks up against ChatGPT and why it's a powerful alternative for managing large language models.

Sep 10, 2024 • 5 Minute Read

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In the world of AI, organizations, developers, and researchers alike need a way to efficiently manage and run large language models (LLMs).

Enter Ollama, a groundbreaking platform that simplifies the process of running LLMs locally, giving users the power and control they need to take their AI projects to the next level. 

Similar to how Docker revolutionized application deployment, Ollama opens new possibilities for interacting with and deploying LLMs through a user-friendly interface.

In this post, I introduce you to Ollama and the Open WebUI, explore how they compare to Docker, and discuss how they stack up against popular tools like ChatGPT.

What is Ollama?

Ollama is a platform designed to empower AI practitioners by bringing large language models closer to home. 

Running AI models locally has traditionally been a complex and resource-intensive task, requiring significant setup, configuration, and ongoing maintenance. Ollama changes the game by abstracting much of that complexity, allowing you to easily run sophisticated AI models on your local machine.

But why run models locally in the first place? The answer lies in control and security. With Ollama, you have complete control over your data, eliminating privacy and compliance concerns that come with cloud-based solutions. 

Whether you’re a leader adhering to strict data governance policies, a developer experimenting with new models, or a researcher working with sensitive data, Ollama provides a secure environment for your AI projects.

The Open WebUI: Your interface for LLMs

Accompanying Ollama is the Open WebUI, formerly known as Ollama WebUI. Open WebUI is a rebranded and enhanced user interface that makes interacting with large language models more accessible than ever. 

The Open WebUI serves as a gateway, allowing users to manage, configure, and interact with LLMs without diving into the command line or dealing with complex setup procedures.

The interface is designed to be intuitive, catering to both beginners and advanced users. With the Open WebUI, you can:

  • Select and run models. The Open WebUI allows you to browse a selection of models available on your system. Whether it's Llama, Mistral, or a custom model you’ve integrated, the UI makes it easy to switch between models and start new tasks.

  • Configure AI models. Need to tweak some parameters? The Open WebUI provides a straightforward interface for configuring models, allowing you to adjust settings to suit your needs.

  • Execute tasks. From simple text generation to complex document analysis, you can use the Open WebUI to execute various tasks. You can upload documents for analysis, chat with models, or run custom NLP tasks, all from within the interface.

How Ollama compares to Docker

To understand Ollama’s potential, it’s helpful to draw parallels with Docker—a tool that has become synonymous with application deployment and management. 

Docker transformed how developers think about applications by introducing containers. Containers bundle an application with all its dependencies and ensure consistent behavior across different environments.

Ollama brings a similar revolution to the world of AI.

Isolation and portability

Docker containers isolate applications, making them portable across different systems without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Ollama mirrors this approach by allowing LLMs to run in isolated environments on your local machine. Whether you’re developing on a laptop or a high-performance server, your models will run consistently, with all dependencies and configurations neatly packaged by Ollama.

Ease of deployment

Docker’s simplicity lies in commands like docker run, which make it easy to deploy containers. Similarly, Ollama simplifies the deployment of LLMs with commands like ollama run. This command-driven approach abstracts the complexity of setting up environments, making it accessible even to those with minimal technical expertise.

Security and privacy

Docker containers provide a secure environment by isolating applications from the host system, reducing the risk of conflicts and vulnerabilities. Ollama takes security a step further by ensuring that all data processing occurs locally. This means sensitive data never leaves your machine. It also addresses privacy concerns that are particularly relevant in regulated industries like healthcare and finance.


Docker’s flexibility is one of its greatest strengths. It allows users to create custom Dockerfiles that define the environment and behavior of their containers. Ollama offers similar flexibility, allowing you to configure and customize your LLMs directly through its CLI and Open WebUI. This means you can fine-tune models to meet your specific requirements and serve them up through Ollama for testing.

In essence, Ollama is to LLMs what Docker is to applications—a tool that simplifies, secures, and standardizes the deployment and management process, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Likewise, the Open WebUI is akin to the streamlined experience Docker offers through Docker Desktop, its graphical interface. Just as Docker abstracts the complexities of application deployment, Ollama’s Open WebUI abstracts the complexities of model management and interaction.

Ollama vs. ChatGPT: What’s the difference?

While Ollama’s comparison to Docker is compelling, it’s also worth exploring how Ollama and the Open WebUI stack up against a popular AI tool like ChatGPT. Both platforms allow users to interact with large language models, but they do so in fundamentally different ways.

Model selection

ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, provides users access to different versions of the GPT model through a cloud-based interface. While convenient, it limits users to the models available on OpenAI’s servers. 

In contrast, the Open WebUI allows you to select from a variety of models, including open-source alternatives like Llama, Mistral, and even custom models you’ve trained or obtained. This flexibility empowers users to choose the model that best fits their needs, rather than being constrained by what’s available in the cloud.

Data privacy, security, and latency

ChatGPT operates entirely in the cloud, meaning all data and interactions are processed on remote servers. While this offers convenience, it raises concerns about data privacy, latency, and dependence on internet connectivity. 

Ollama, on the other hand, runs all models locally on your machine. This not only ensures that your data remains private and secure but also allows for faster processing and greater control over the AI models you’re using. Ollama’s local processing is a significant advantage for organizations with strict data governance requirements.

Customization and flexibility

One of ChatGPT’s limitations is its relatively fixed model architecture and configurations. While it’s a powerful tool for many tasks, users have little control over how the models are configured or fine-tuned. 

In contrast, Ollama’s Open WebUI provides extensive customization options, allowing you to tweak model parameters, integrate new models, and even run custom versions of existing models. This level of control is particularly valuable for developers and researchers who need to tailor models to specific tasks or datasets.

Cost efficiency

Running models in the cloud, like ChatGPT does, can incur significant costs, especially for large-scale or long-running tasks. 

By leveraging your local hardware, Ollama can be more cost-efficient, particularly for users who already have access to powerful computing resources. This makes it a viable alternative for organizations looking to reduce their reliance on expensive cloud services.

Why Ollama might be your next essential AI tool

Ollama and the Open WebUI represent a significant shift in how we interact with large language models. By bringing the power of LLMs to your local machine, Ollama offers a level of control, flexibility, and security unmatched by cloud-based solutions. 

Whether you’re looking for a more secure alternative to tools like ChatGPT or seeking a Docker-like approach to AI model management, Ollama is a tool worth exploring.

As AI continues to evolve, tools like Ollama will be essential in ensuring that innovation can happen anywhere—securely, efficiently, and without compromise.

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Kesha Williams

Kesha W.

Kesha Williams is an Atlanta-based AWS Machine Learning Hero and Senior Director of Enterprise Architecture & Engineering. She guides the strategic vision and design of technology solutions across the enterprise while leading engineering teams in building cloud-native solutions with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Kesha holds multiple AWS certifications and has received leadership training from Harvard Business School. Learn more at

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