Success begins with
tech skills
What is technology skills development?
Technology skills development is the most efficient strategy for continually upskilling technology teams. It’s an organization's ability to use technology skills (both hard skills and leadership skills) as a competitive advantage and driver of business outcomes.
The percentage of organizations that will have delayed product/service releases by 2020, amounting in $390 billion in lost revenue.
The percentage of employees that will require significant reskilling and upskilling by 2022.
- The World Economic Forum
Why do organizations need technology skills development?
Technology teams are only as successful as their skills are relevant. Companies can't have a winning tech strategy without a tech skills strategy—and that requires skill development to be mapped to strategic business objectives.
Organizations need to build a muscle around developing and applying technology skills efficiently. If they don’t, the pace and complexity of new technology will outpace their ability to capitalize on its benefits. On the plus side, reskillable talent exists in every organization. Leaders just need to have proper visibility into their teams strengths, weaknesses and readiness in order to harness the talent already at their disposable.
How does technology skills development work?
The most common ways of solving the tech skills gap are outdated, out of alignment with tech strategies and lacking in tools that help effectively organize skills or teams. Technology skills development puts tech skills at the forefront of strategic initiatives, with CIOs and CTOs sponsoring the strategy. These leaders rely on tech skills development managers, who combine their deep understanding of the organization’s business and technology strategy with best practices that:
Index the technology skills of their teams.
Upskill or reskill technologists into modern tech roles.
Help employees practice and apply in-demand skills on the job.
Measure skill development growth and impact on the business.
The Result?
For the first time, [companies] have total visibility into the strengths and weaknesses of technical teams, combined with the ability to do something about it.
- Quartz
How do organizations benefit from technology skills development?
Organizations doing it right use skill and role development as prerequisites for reliable and predictable success. They align their teams to strategic priorities while creating clarity around modern roles. They embed skill development into daily workflows, developing new technology competencies and communicating IT’s impact on the business.
The Result?

Increased operational efficiency

Outpacing the competition

Executing on new initiatives and business models