Using MongoDB with Node.js

What you'll learn

In this project learn how to use Mongo with NodeJS while building a base API. You’ll first create a base project fully integrating Mongo with NodeJS. Then you’ll learn all the different functions available in Mongo to add, edit, update, delete and search through the database with JavaScript functions in your backend.

Table of contents

  • Set up your local environment for projects. We'll walk you through everything you need to know, including how to install and configure your environment to be able to complete all of the tasks.
Add MongoDB & Mongoose connection
  • In this module we'll create a connection inside our server to MongoDB leveraging simplified code with Mongoose.
Schema Creation & First Route
  • In this module we'll add our model and create our schema, then create an initial route to add new items to our database.
Basic CRUD Endpoints
  • In this module we'll add the endpoints for pulling a list of items and a single items adding first the controller and then the route for each endpoint.
Changing Data with CRUD
  • In this module we'll add the endpoints for updating and deleting items first the controller and then the route for each endpoint.

About the author

Emmanuel has been responsible for all aspects of client-driven web and mobile projects, including timelines and scope. These projects have used JIRA/Atlassian tools, agile methodologies, and languages and frameworks such as React, Angular, Node, Meteor, GraphQL, JavaScript, Swift, HTML, CSS (Sass), MongoDB, and MySQL. He also works in the 3D gaming world, using tools such as Unity, ZBrush, Maya, and several others. He has a passion for creating applications and games that leverage the latest tec... more

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