Build a FIFA World Cup Web Service in Go

What you'll learn

In this project, you’ll follow along with our instructions and build a Web Service in Go utilizing only the net/http library. We'll start with a few existing functions and expose functionality through the HTTP protocol.

Table of contents

  • Setup your local environment for projects. We'll walk you through everything you need to know to setup your local instance and look around at the code you'll be using for this project.
Creating GET Handlers
  • By the end of this module, you’ll have created a handler for GET requests which returns a list of world cup winners in JSON format. This handler will also be able to filter requests based on query string data.
Creating POST Handlers
  • By the end of this module, you’ll have created a handler for POST requests which reads payload from user submitted requests and adds a new winner to the list of existing world cup winners.
Creating the Dispatch Handler
  • By the end of this module, you’ll have created a handler which will dispatch HTTP requests to their corresponding handlers, according to specific HTTP methods.

About the author

Carlos is a seasoned professional in the technology industry with experience in the software development, cloud and blockchain space. He is a tech lead and partner at Idopter Labs, a development shop that helps turn great ideas into successful businesses.

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